
On Mon Sep 24, 2012 at 18:50:06 +0200, Luca Capello wrote:
> Hi there!
> Here the final situation WRT to the DebConf13 sponsorship levels and
> benefits.  According to the last meeting minutes [1], the former are OK
> (only CHF in the brochure) and we should agree on the latter.  I should
> admit that I forgot about the notes, but IIRC they were mostly OK.
> [1] 
> <http://meetbot.debian.net/debconf-team/2012/debconf-team.2012-09-18-17.06.html>
> Below is the situation in the current SVN r3720 [2]: I propose to
> discuss them until this Friday, so 2012-09-28T23:59:59.  I will then
> call for English checking (FYI the current text has been already checked
> twice) during the week-end and then at least for French and German
> translations.  Thus at the beginning of October we can start sending the
> brochure, at least for the English version.

I find the level for silver way too high for what you get in response.

 Martin Zobel-Helas <zo...@debian.org>  | Debian System Administrator
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