Hi there!

On Mon, 24 Sep 2012 20:12:26 +0200, Martin Zobel-Helas wrote:
> On Mon Sep 24, 2012 at 18:50:06 +0200, Luca Capello wrote:
>> Here the final situation WRT to the DebConf13 sponsorship levels and
>> benefits.  According to the last meeting minutes [1], the former are OK
>> (only CHF in the brochure) and we should agree on the latter.  I should
>> admit that I forgot about the notes, but IIRC they were mostly OK.
>> [1] 
>> <http://meetbot.debian.net/debconf-team/2012/debconf-team.2012-09-18-17.06.html>
>> Below is the situation in the current SVN r3720 [2]: I propose to
>> discuss them until this Friday, so 2012-09-28T23:59:59.  I will then
>> call for English checking (FYI the current text has been already checked
>> twice) during the week-end and then at least for French and German
>> translations.  Thus at the beginning of October we can start sending the
>> brochure, at least for the English version.
> I find the level for silver way too high for what you get in response.

Thank you for the input, Martin.  FTR, here the first three levels

>> * SUPPORTER - up to 2'000 CHF
>>   + Logo on the sponsor web page
>>   + Provide corporate materials in conference bags
>> * BRONZE - starting from 2'000 CHF
>>   Benefits from SUPPORTER, and also:
>>   + Logo on all web pages and link back to company homepage
>>   + Logo in full-page "thank you" ad in Linux Magazine worldwide
>> * SILVER - starting from 6'000 CHF
>>   Benefits from BRONZE, and also:
>>   + Logo printed on conference T-Shirts
>>   + Logo printed on conference bags

Without adding any extra benefits, here a possible solution, which
however leaves very few benefits for SUPPORTER:

--8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8---
* SUPPORTER - up to 2'000 CHF

  + Logo on the sponsor web page

* BRONZE - starting from 2'000 CHF

  Benefits from SUPPORTER, and also:

  + Logo on all web pages and link back to company homepage
  + Provide corporate materials in conference bags

* SILVER - starting from 6'000 CHF

  Benefits from BRONZE, and also:

  + Logo in full-page "thank you" ad in Linux Magazine worldwide
  + Logo printed on conference T-Shirts
  + Logo printed on conference bags
--8<---------------cut here---------------end--------------->8---

I should admit, however, that I do not know how to solve the situation
without rearranging the levels or introducing new benefits.

Thx, bye,
Gismo / Luca

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