Holger Levsen dijo [Wed, Jul 12, 2006 at 01:30:24AM +0200]:
> (long snip)
> Jörg, I know you only send a proposal and you meant it as such. But that you 
> needed three posts for it, is something that makes me think you did it in a 
> hurry. Also you nominated Neil for 3 positions, which is against one of your 
> rules in your proposal. And you missed some other key people which I would 
> like to see more involved (e.g. Gunnar, Marga, Alphascorpii, maybe Safir 

At least, I was not forgotten. Joerg checked with me if I wanted to be
"officially" somewhere - I told him I don't really believe this team
needs a formal structure, and that I'll gladly go sit in the second
row, as there are too many things pending this year for me (workwise)
to hold a higher responsability. Of course, that does not mean I'll
leave Debconf organization behind.

My bet is that we will end up ignoring a good part of Joerg's mail,
and continue just working as usual - Yes, Andreas' lead was strong,
and it we will of course work differently without him formally in
charge, but I don't think a formal structure will be needed. 

BTW, I also agree with something I snipped away: We have quite a lot
of time to work. And that's really good :) Of course, we should not
over-trust this, but we are not pressed yet.


Gunnar Wolf - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - (+52-55)5623-0154 / 1451-2244
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