On Wed, 2006-07-12 at 23:09 +0200, Alexander Schmehl wrote:
> Hmmm...
> would it be
> a) possible for him to write his contacts a mail, telling him he
>    resigned (for private reasons, whatever), pointing to our new sponsor
>    handling people(s)?
> b) a good idea?

My recommendation is that our new sponsor contact(s) phone the sponsors
up (or, less good, email) to introduce themselves. -- It would be better
in my view to have a sponsorship team than a single person, but that
team should try to keep a single person as the contact for each sponsor,
so that a personal relationship can be built up, and to ensure that we
don't give inconsistent information to any sponsor.

I'm not sure if a message from Andreas is needed -- I think telling
sponsors of the change is definitely a good idea, but I don't think
sponsors will be surprised/worried by a change of contact unless we
handle it badly.  If Andreas sends a mail, it would be best for the
sponsor relationships if it simply thanked the sponsors for their past
support and hoped that they will continue a good relationship with their
new DebConf sponsorship contact.

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