
On Tuesday 11 July 2006 23:29, Joerg Jaspert wrote:
> So, this all is a suggestion, you are of course free to propose your own
> solution. I just like it as it reflects parts of how DebConf6 worked
> already.

I also like to keep lots of things like they were, because they worked well. 
And I also want to very much thank Andreas for the great work he has done over 
the years. I am sad that this has evolved like it has but I also think, 
debconf is in the hands of a great team still.

But I dont like neither this rush now nor Jörg's proposed structure. 
I think maybe I will need to live with the rush, as I expect many people to 
want to find a solution or rather resolve the situation fast.

Or maybe not. We - as in the debconf orga team - dont have anything urgent to 
resolv now. The next location has been decided, the next location decision 
will be in half a year and - since debconf6 was two month earlier than usual 
- we still have twelve (!) month til the next debconf.

At least I can live pretty well without a clear status of the debconf orga 
team for, say, two weeks. We really don't need to resolve this (with)in 60 

So I would suggest, to have this meeting as proposed on friday at 18oo UTC - 
but only as a meeting to discuss the team situation, without the aim to 
resolve it. Just gather around, share our thoughts and feelings and propose 
solutions, structures, ideas. 

We should indeed decide one thing there: a suitable time for the "real" 
meeting, see below.

So even people who wont make it this friday at 18 UTC can send an email or 
tell us what time and day (maybe weekend is better?) suits them - so we can 
make up some new date which suits as many as possible. Because I think this 
is a rather short notice to agree on a time, where (almost) everybody from 
the previous team(s) can participate. And the topic at hand is really 

And I also want to think more about the future of the debconf orga team and I 
need more time to think about this (as I unfortunatly have other duties than 
debconf). And I expect others to need the same. Thats why I like to have a 
meeting on friday, to share ideas, then have a break of a few days to think 
about those ideas and then to come together again, to talk about our ideas, 
bring them together and make real plans (and some structures) out of it.

Jörg, I know you only send a proposal and you meant it as such. But that you 
needed three posts for it, is something that makes me think you did it in a 
hurry. Also you nominated Neil for 3 positions, which is against one of your 
rules in your proposal. And you missed some other key people which I would 
like to see more involved (e.g. Gunnar, Marga, Alphascorpii, maybe Safir 
("maybe" because I dont know if he wants to) & $you and probably someone 
else!) - of course this would be easily fixable: 3 mails is no issue at all, 
make Moray head of localteam and nominate those people I mentioned here as 
"Seconds In Charge" (2ICs ;) - but I really don't think it's good to go for 
such simple and rushed solutions.

We do have quite some things to discuss, the team organisation & coordination, 
the relation to Debian and other stuff which is related, like money. Thinking 
(and acting like) it's "only" about replacing Andreas is IMO not likely to 
address all issues at hand.

So, I would propose, let's meet this friday, share our thoughts and feelings, 
find another day for yet another meeting (yay!) and resolve this more 
sedately and thoughtfully. We have as much time as we want and need.


P.S.: I rushed for this email as well :-) Please consider this and more 
importantly, I think as stated above, help stop the rush - if you agree it's 
not necessary - by stating so on this list :-) 

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