On 10713 March 1977, Holger Levsen wrote:

> I also like to keep lots of things like they were, because they worked well. 


> But I dont like neither this rush now nor Jörg's proposed structure. 

Propose something better.

> Jörg, I know you only send a proposal and you meant it as such. But that you 
> needed three posts for it,

You need to learn to count. I only had 2 with the addition about
Alex. The third you may count is the announcement of Andreas leaving.

> to see more involved (e.g. Gunnar, Marga, Alphascorpii, maybe Safir
> ("maybe" because I dont know if he wants to) & $you and probably
> someone else!)

First this is only a proposal and everyone is free to propose something
better. I only like it because parts of DC6 already worked like this.
And I dont want to mention every team member. This is only for a
"Coordinators" group, which should have the most important parts of
DebConf in and not have too many people, so it still works for
decisions. This *does* *not* mean that the rest that is unmentioned is
either unimportant or not part of the team or something like that.
(Oh, and btw Gunnar was happy to stay involved but not get mentioned.)

> - of course this would be easily fixable: 3 mails is no issue at all,
> make Moray head of localteam and nominate those people I mentioned
> here as "Seconds In Charge" (2ICs ;)

Moray is head of localteam, Maulkin is interface to it.

bye Joerg
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