On Tue, Jul 11, 2006 at 11:26:40PM +0200, Joerg Jaspert wrote:
> I just had a phone call with Andreas Schuldei. He resigned from all his
> positions within DebConf. Thanks to him for all his past work.

Definitely thanks to Andreas. He's done a lot of good for DebConf during
his time running it.

> I propose to have an IRC meeting soon where we can discuss within the
> team how we want to go on. The channel for it is #debconf-team at
> irc.debian.org. For the time: How about this Friday, 18:00 UTC?

Sounds fine with me, although hopefully it won't be another 4-hour
meeting! (I plan to volunteer for some tasks; see my other reply.)

- Jimmy Kaplowitz
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