On wo, 2006-07-12 at 11:58 +0200, Alexander Schmehl wrote:
> As I understood Ganneffs mail (and in there an idea aba and I discussed
> with stockholm back in .mx), that's what he is proposing:  A team in a
> team.
> Nota bene:  It's the same you are proposing, just that he had four
> members as main organisors (and called them coordinatiors).

I understand that is one possible interpretation of my words. 
As I said on IRC, we should define some roles to define a bit of
structure. But explicitly leave the rest to be filled in as time roles
My idea is to create some clarity by defining a bit of structure and
keep being flexible by not defining the rest.

> What I think, is that we need someone who is doing the task described as
> "main organisor" above.  I think it could work better, if it's a smaller
> group (but I had three people in mind).

I can also see how model that would work out, if these people are able
to work together and keep eachother up to date constantly.

>   The important point is, that
> their job is *not* to make decissions, but to coordinate, keep track of
> timeline and deadlines.

Spot on!

> But I agree with holger here:  We have time for that, and the future
> structure of the orga team is such an important point, that we must not
> be hasty about that.

Indeed! A good soup isn't made in 5 minutes, but takes at least a day. 
Let's have the soup we are now preparing simmer for a while and see how
the flavour needs to be adjusted so we all like it.


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