
The first time I pulled the transducer/padwheel, it was a unnerving....I hadn't even removed one while on the hard let alone in 36' of water.   Have your factory 'blank' in one hand (and I even now carry a wooden plug just in case), pull up, a gush of water, insert the blank/plug securely, I repeat securely.

Do the same when replacing the transducer/padwheel....it gets less stressful after the first time. I have it down now to where I get maybe half a quart/litre of saltwater per pull. that water drains into my bilge so it really doesn't matter to me.

My padwheel has stopped spinning while sailing....I've pulled it under sail to clear the debris preventing it to spin.   When I pull it, I can spin it with a finger, drop it and quickly go to the cockpit to see if there is any speed showing on the panel....usually I get there around 2 knots and watch it drop back to 0.00 knots.

Or get someone around you that has done it before and watch closely to see how easy it is.

Rob Abbott
C&C 32 - #277
Halifax, N.S.

On 2018-10-11 11:58 AM, Dan via CnC-List wrote:
I had a tech support ticket open with Actisense (the Digital NMEA product I'm using to read my data streams from my transducers) and they confirmed that if the padwheel is not spinning, NO data will be formed and no NMEA sentenses will be transmitted. SO - YES, the padwheel HAS to spin, and it's not a wiring issue (95% certain)... That said, I went out on deck and tried pulling a line along the underside of the hull to activate the wheel and tried using oars to move the water around the waterline but then it started to rain so I gave up the attempt. The only other non-evasive method is to get in the dinghy and try to reach the wheel with my hand... or bite the bullet and try pulling the sensor out completely and replacing it with the plug which to me sounds like extremely risky business but you guys seem to think it's a breeze...




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