I swapped it out for the plug tonight and it worked. I got about 4 or 5 cups of 
water out but nothing severe. The wheel was full of baby muscles. I cleaned it 
out, gave it a spin and got all my data! Working and AOK! :) thanks everyone 
for the feedback and tips!

Halifax, NS

Sent from my iPhone

> On Oct 11, 2018, at 7:17 PM, robert via CnC-List <cnc-list@cnc-list.com> 
> wrote:
> Dan:
> One thing with my 2 plugs, both the transducer and the blank, they fit down 
> into the thru hull in an exact position.....yours may be different....but on 
> mine, on both plugs, there are two points that have to be lined up to drop 
> into their respective slots on the thru hull....one obvious reason for this 
> is to ensure you install the padwheel in the correct position, facing forward 
> and not to a side angle....on both plugs, I need a few turns down before I 
> can feel if they are in their slots....I know when things are lined up 
> because I can now longer turn the plug.  
> But like I said, mine is an old 34 year Signet but it works fine when the 
> padwheel is clean of any debris. 
> Rob Abbott
> C&C 32 - #277
> Halifax, N.S 
>>> On Thu, Oct 11, 2018 at 9:59 AM Dan via CnC-List <cnc-list@cnc-list.com> 
>>> wrote:
>>>  or bite the bullet and try pulling the sensor out completely and replacing 
>>> it with the plug which to me sounds like extremely risky business but you 
>>> guys seem to think it's a breeze...
>>> Dan
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