And the sub-panel in the cockpit usually are available in 2 types (talking 
weatherproof here) .... one that has fuses (ATC or AGC types) built-in and the 
other just has plain switches. With the latter you’d need to mount a below-deck 
fuse block next to the switch panel to fuse individual circuits. I picked up 
one of the Blue Seas 6-position combined switch/fuse panels and will feed to it 
from my main DC panel (switched and fused there) and use the cockpit sub-panel 
to control nav-lights and feeds to pedestal-mount electronics and auto-pilot 
and also provide proper sized fusing for each ‘device’. So, for example, 
although my chartplotter is switched right at the unit and so otherwise could 
just be fed off a fuse block, it is removable (and will be stowed below when 
not in use) so I want to be able to turn power off completely to it’s plug-in 
In my planning I’m trying to eliminate as many in-line fuses as possible ... 
eliminating those that are hidden away or hard to access. For example, I plan 
to put in AGC-type panel mount ‘waterproof’ fuse holders in the engine gauge 
panel for the compass light and the blower – the switches for both of those are 
in the standard C&C panel.

Peter Fell
Sidney, BC
C&C 27 MkIII

From: ed vanderkruk via CnC-List 
Sent: Thursday, April 09, 2015 8:11 AM
To: ; Alex Giannelia 
Subject: Re: Stus-List WIRING PLANS

Remember  to put a fuse in the line for your sub panel or have an appropriate 
breaker on your main panel for the sub panel - but maybe you were planning that 


On Apr 8, 2015 8:38 PM, "Alex Giannelia via CnC-List" <> 

  So here are my thoughts and I'm not really an electrical guy

  My old panel resides under the traveller track just on top of the 
companionway stairs as they all did and has a combined 12VDC panel with 15 
switches and fuses and 3 AC switches and one big rotary main 1-2-all-off switch.

  The old household style         SQUARE D incoming breaker has been replaced 
by a Blue Sea dual breaker each 30A one going to the new electric motor charger 
and the second one going to the new smart charger for the house bank. On the 
starboard side of the companionway, there was a hanging locker which  may have 
been converted at the factory or by a PO to hold a stereo and two VHF radios.  
Above that facing the cockpit are 3 almost new condition WS45 instruments by 

  The plan is to keep it as simple as possible but to move the panel to the 
locker on the starboard side above the nav station and to have a sub panel 
(already installed) in the cockpit where the engine instruments were.

  So, for example the exterior, instrument and navigation lights would be 
switched from the cockpit as well as one bilge switch.  The engine installer 
installed a 6 position BLUE SEA switch bank that I can use for whatever.

  Everything else, and there is precious little, would be switched from the 
cabin panel.

  Then, as I have most areas accessible, I want to run new tinned wire to the 
lights, nav lights, pumps etc.

  Get the picture?  So what should I worry about?

  Alex Giannelia
  CC 35-II 1974 launched, to be renamed
  TORONTO, Ontario


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