Remember to put a fuse in the line for your sub panel or have an appropriate breaker on your main panel for the sub panel - but maybe you were planning that already.
Ed On Apr 8, 2015 8:38 PM, "Alex Giannelia via CnC-List" <> wrote: > So here are my thoughts and I'm not really an electrical guy > > My old panel resides under the traveller track just on top of the > companionway stairs as they all did and has a combined 12VDC panel with 15 > switches and fuses and 3 AC switches and one big rotary main 1-2-all-off > switch. > > The old household style SQUARE D incoming breaker has been > replaced by a Blue Sea dual breaker each 30A one going to the new electric > motor charger and the second one going to the new smart charger for the > house bank. On the starboard side of the companionway, there was a hanging > locker which may have been converted at the factory or by a PO to hold a > stereo and two VHF radios. Above that facing the cockpit are 3 almost new > condition WS45 instruments by STANDARD HORIZON. > > The plan is to keep it as simple as possible but to move the panel to the > locker on the starboard side above the nav station and to have a sub panel > (already installed) in the cockpit where the engine instruments were. > > So, for example the exterior, instrument and navigation lights would be > switched from the cockpit as well as one bilge switch. The engine > installer installed a 6 position BLUE SEA switch bank that I can use for > whatever. > > Everything else, and there is precious little, would be switched from the > cabin panel. > > Then, as I have most areas accessible, I want to run new tinned wire to > the lights, nav lights, pumps etc. > > Get the picture? So what should I worry about? > > Alex Giannelia > CC 35-II 1974 launched, to be renamed > TORONTO, Ontario > > > > > _______________________________________________ > > Email address: > > To change your list preferences, including unsubscribing -- go to the > bottom of page at: > > >
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