Hey Ken,
Thanks for the interest in a Moyer-esque problem. No water in the oil. Been
there, seen that ~4 year's ago.
Plugs #1 and #2 (the lower two) had  a disconcerting waterish-soot in their
gaps. After draining the carb (lots of crud) and retrying to start, those
spark plug tips had a slight smell of gas. I'm guessing lean.
My current theory is that the carb jets are now plugged. I've hired a dock
neighbor, who fixes foreign (mainly German and British) cars and has a boat
with an A4.
Bob M
Ox, 33-1
Jax, FL

On Sun, Mar 2, 2014 at 8:43 PM, Ken Heaton <kenhea...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Any water in the oil?  How do the spark plugs look?
> Ken H.
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