Bob, Hope your life insurance is paid up. That stink can't be good for you to breathe. Never knew anyone to paint the inside of a pipe. Isn't there an A4 website that discussed this issue?
I like Dwight's idea to use stainless steel. McMaster-Carr has fittings of every type in 304 or 316. Below is a pipe threaded one end, assuming you will attach an exhaust hose. size SS 304 price SS 316 price 2 1/2 " 9157K69 $8.25 9110T48 $11.18 Chuck Resolute 1990 C&C 34R Atlantic City, NJ ----- Original Message ----- From: "bobmor99 ." <> To: Sent: Friday, February 28, 2014 11:47:20 PM Subject: Re: Stus-List Exhaust Riser Replacement An update to my continued contrarian way... I've painted the galvanized pieces (3 coats, inside and out) with some space age, high-temperature paint. It's used on re-entry vehicles. :-) There's a curing process involved; 30 minutes @ 250F, 30 minute cool off, 30 minutes @ 450F, 30 minute cool off, and finally, 30 minutes @ 600F. I've completed the first two heats. My oven only goes to 550F. (Kinda like my amp only goes to 11/2, not 12/2.) Tomorrow morning I'll turn on the broiler, move the oven rack to the top and bake everything again for 30 minutes. I don't want to blow up my kitchen at night. The first two bakes stunk it up. So yes, my cheapitude has lead to new experiences. I've researched the galvanized/zinc flu warning and concluded that A4 exhaust temperatures are below what's needed to create zinc oxide fumes. (That's a welding/cutting thing.) Besides, in this case the zinc will be sealed by coats of high-temp paint. So, I'm going forward with my cheapo exhaust riser replacement and will report back at 5 year intervals. Bob M Ox 33-1 Jax, FL _______________________________________________ This List is provided by the C&C Photo Album
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