
I've followed this thread with interest.

Thanks for rising this issue. It's always interesting to get external
feedback, 'cause it's too easy to forget about those things, once they seem
"evident" for us.

I ackowledge the "visibility" of Counterclockwise is far from being perfect.

However, I'm currently quite satisfied with the situation, given that :
  * "clojure eclipse plugin" in google gives the top position for google
code homepage, and that if you take the time to follow that link (or even
read the extract for the link), you know there's something to look for
  * the getting started page linked from the site points to this
site altogether
  * Since Eclipse 3.6 the integrated search engine (maybe unfortunately
named "market place", maybe not) returns Counterclockwise as its top result
when you type "Clojure" in it

But for sure having a proper domain name would be great, as well as a great
web site with a great graphical design as enclojure has, but I'm not
planning right now to spend time on building / buying this.

My guess is rather that the most interesting "cheap next step" could be to
rework the "visibility" of the different "de facto standards"
(Counterclockwise for Eclipse, La Clojure for IntelliJ Idea, Enclojure for
Netbeans, VimClojure for Vim, Clojure mode + swank clojure for emacs) from
the website. Currently the link to the assembla web page is
pretty much hidden :

  * one has to go to the "getting started page", and then in the "Editing"
section click the other "getting started" link to the Assembla Page.

My suggestion would be that, acknowledging that easing the access to IDEs is
good for both Clojure adoption and the IDEs :

  * there is a dedicated "IDEs" in the top right box on,
currently pointing to the "master wiki page" on Assembla
  * and / or an "IDEs" page in the left menu of, with the
content of the "master wiki page" on Assembla (containing links to each
IDE-specific Getting Started instructions)

Now that all this is said, I clearly have the intention, eventually, to have
a domain name for Counterclockwise, as well as a decent website. Now just
doesn't feel the right timing to me, given that resources are limited.



2011/1/1 Ken Wesson <>

> I use Enclojure/NetBeans myself, but it occurred to me to check out
> the current state of its Eclipse counterpart.
> But I can't find it anywhere. Google returns tons of results, of
> course, but they're all third-party results except the first, which is
> a repository. *None* of the top ten results are the
> home page of the plugin; if you're just looking to download the binary
> and use it, or read about it in plain English, you're going to ignore
> the Google Code link, and if you want to get your information from the
> horse's mouth, you'll ignore all of the other hits and then give up.
> This is a problem for Counterclockwise, which really should have its
> own web site in the top ten (and preferably at the very top) of a
> Google search for "counterclockwise clojure" (no quotation marks in
> the actual search).
> Contrast with the results of searching for "enclojure": the first hit
> is the home page and the next two are other pages at
> Then the discussion group, hosted by Google. Fifth is
> the source code repository. Third-party content, such as people
> blogging about it, starts around the seventh returned hit, versus the
> second with Counterclockwise with only the repository ranking higher.
> In particular, if there is a or a
> or anything similar it does not show up in the
> top ten.
> The situations with swank-clojure and La Clojure are similar to that
> with Counterclockwise, though emacs users are probably just going to
> download the source from the repository and run it anyway and
> apparently IDEA has a plugin repository it can automatically download
> and install plugins from, like NB (and, perhaps, Eclipse). The lack of
> an obvious Google-findable starting point for reading about any of
> these first before installing them or doing something with their
> source code is troubling, regardless.
> --
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