> On Sep 23, 2023, at 5:06 PM, Will Cooke via cctalk <cctalk@classiccmp.org> 
> wrote:
> I can't answer for Paul, but I can tell you how to do approximate 
> calculations for yourself.  
> You need to know two things: the equivalent parallel resistance (Thevenin 
> equivalent) of the two series resistors and the input capacitance of the 
> driven pin (including stray capacitance.)  
> If you assume the input+stray capacitance is 10 pF (a reasonable first 
> approximation) and the resistance is 1000 Ohms, the time constant (time for 
> the signal to go from 0 to 63% of max) will be 1000 * 10E(-12) seconds or 
> 10,000 picoseconds = 10 nanoseconds.  That assumes the 5V output can switch 
> instantaneously into the 5 mA or so load.  I would double that for the real 
> world.  So the signal gets delayed around 20 nS and the output has to drive 5 
> mA or so.
> A more realistic divider might be 5K or 10K resistance for less power 
> consumption and less strain on the output.  With 10K you are looking at a 
> delay of 100 to 200 nS.  If the timing isn't critical you "might" be able to 
> go as high as 5 MHz that way.  But probably more like 1 MHz is more 
> realistic.  
> I've used voltage divider level translation at about 1 MHz, using something 
> like 2200 and 4700 ohms for the divider (Thevenin equivalent 1500.)

That sounds right.  In my case, I was using a Raspberry Pico as an EPP mode 
parallel port emulator, so order of 1 MHz would be a good outcome.  Also, EPP 
mode is an interlocked (handshakes) communication protocol so any delays 
introduced by what I was doing would not interfere with operation.


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