> On Sep 22, 2023, at 9:30 PM, Martin Bishop
> <mjd.bis...@emeritus-solutions.com> wrote:
> Paul
> I endorse your point regarding Lattice's gouging. Support for anything prior
> to the XO parts now costs a significant premium. Their XO2 parts are the
> most useful to this community - free tools and 0.5 mm pitch, e.g. 100p & 144p
> - not dense but usefully large, 3v3 IO and agricultural assembly.
> The Xilinx free tools no longer have license files, which was how Lattice cut
> us all off at the pass. The current Vivado ML Standard Edition (tools to
> normal people) are free up to the XC7Z030 - which is a fairly serious device.
> I have a PDP-11 and space to spare running in the markedly smaller XC7Z010;
> 16b / no MMU, most of the 45 instruction set. FPGA are (organically) memory
> poor - perhaps because the access time is ~3 ns. I should think you would be
> in with a chance of fitting the 6600 logic, however on a '30 you have 265 x 4
> ki by BRAMs = ~1 Mi By, if more is required either a dedicated external
> memory device or DMA to/fr DRAM would be required.
The 6600 model I'm building is a gate level model, so it is cycle-accurate, but
also large. I'm figuring several hundred thousand gates, which makes sense if
you consider the module count for a 6600. A large enough FPGA for that seems
to have enough on-chip memory for both PP and CP memories, leaving only ECS as
off-chip. That's helpful because both PP and CP have tightly constrained
cycles; DRAM would be nearly impossible to make work, though SRAM is doable.