
A Zynq '30 has 125,000 Logic Cells, a ZU4EG has 192,000 logic cells.  Both can 
be synthesised with the free tools.  You may of course get more LCs on a 
supported FPGA, vice SoC.

Logic cell is a marketing term, the engineering equivalent would be "LUT4 + 
FF".  Google assures me that a Logic cell is ~15 ASIC gates.

So the Z30's fabric looks like it may be a 2 M ASIC gate equivalent device.  

I look forward to hearing reports on what its utility is for implementing the 


-----Original Message-----
From: Paul Koning [] 
Sent: 23 September 2023 19:36

The 6600 model I'm building is a gate level model, so it is cycle-accurate, but 
also large.  I'm figuring several hundred thousand gates, which makes sense if 
you consider the module count for a 6600.  A large enough FPGA for that seems 
to have enough on-chip memory for both PP and CP memories, leaving only ECS as 
off-chip.  That's helpful because both PP and CP have tightly constrained 
cycles; DRAM would be nearly impossible to make work, though SRAM is doable.


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