Cool contract, reminds me of Sets. On 4/17/23 23:15, Forest Sweeney via agora-discussion wrote:
{ Any player can join the contract by announcement, and leave the contract by announcement, and all card effects they are under are voided by leaving the contract, however, all eir cards are destroyed. Players on this contract are called Dragons.
So me and a friend trade cards, leave, re-enter, trade again and we're immune to any negative effects?
4st is the Dealer and tracker of the private asset Cards, ownable by dragons. In disputes involving the contract, 4st arbitrates the dispute. 4st's actions are first come, first serve. Failed card plays do not spend cards. 4st cannot own or play cards. Note that 4st is a dragon, and can be specified by cards.
4st could leave the contract and no longer be specifiable but still arbitrate. The role should be detached from any specific player and lost on leaving.
Base Card types: - Power - the specified dragon will endorse you on the specified proposal, election, or agoran decision, and SHALL NOT change eir vote.
There's no enforcement/punishment on this SHALL NOT
- Steal - Take a card from another dragon. - Reach - the specified dragon will reach for the specified stone.
This seems useless
- Stone - the specified dragon will wield a specified stone in a specified way. - Deblot - the specified dragon will expunge 1 blot from you.
All of the "the specified dragon will..." needs to be changed to "The dragon CAN act on behalf of the specified dragon to..." Contracts don't passively make people do things.
Card combos: - spend the specified cards, get the listed card! - Steal Steal Steal - Swap - Swap all your cards with the specified dragon - Power Power Power - POWER - the specified dragon will endorse you on the specified distribution, and SHALL NOT change eir vote.
No enforcement.
- Stone Stone Stone - Transfer - the specified dragon will transfer the specified stone to you. - Reach Reach Reach - Transfer - the specified dragon will transfer the specified stone to you.
So if I own stones, this contract is a net negative for me.
- Deblot Deblot Deblot - Dream - the specified dragon will envision the specified dream, and SHALL NOT envision another dream until a wandering occurs.
No enforcement.
- Any 3 - get a random base card - Any 4 - get a specified base card - Any 5 - get a specified card (include card-combo special cards)
How and when? Presumably the Dealer does this? In some sort of timely manner? Do I get the "any 3" when I do any of the above combos? If I do REACH REACH REACH STONE POWER do I get the reach combo AND the any 5? Do I get the lesser Any X when I do a higher Any X?
Finally: - Dealer distributes 1 base card to each other dragon each week.
- max hand size of 7, otherwise the dragon isn't dealt a card. }
-- nix Prime Minister, Herald