I withdraw the proposal “Organization Repeal” and submit the following proposal 
in its place. I pend it by paying Agora 1 sh..

Changelog: some minor phraseology fixes in The Treasuror.


Title: Organization Repeal
Author: o
AI: 3.0

    If a proposal titled "Contracts", followed by a version number, authored by
    Aris and including o in the list of co-authors, has passed, remove every
    paragraph from this proposal other than this one before proceeding.

    Destroy each Organization.

    Repeal the following rules, in order:

        * Rule 2459 ("Organizations").
        * Rule 2461 ("Death and Birth of Organizations").
        * Rule 2460 ("Organizational Restructuring").
        * Rule 2457 ("Lockout").
        * Rule 2458 ("Invoking Lockout").
        * Rule 2462 ("Bankruptcy").

    Amend rule 2456 ("The Secretary") by changing its title to "The Treasuror",
    then by replacing its text, entirely, with:

        The Treasuror is an office.

        The Treasuror's weekly report includes:

        1. the current Floating Value, and
        2. all Floating Derived Values defined by the Rules.

        The Treasuror CAN flip the floating value once a week by announcement.
        As part of eir weekly duties, e SHALL flip the Floating Value to the
        number of Shinies owned by Agora; e SHALL NOT ever set it to a
        different value. E SHOULD do this while publishing eir weekly report.
        If the Secretary discovers that e last flipped the floating value to an
        incorrect value and e would not otherwise be able to set it again yet,
        e CAN and SHALL set the value to what it should have been set to in the
        first place by announcement.

    Make o the Treasuror.

    Amend rule 2166 ("Assets") by replacing the paragraph:

        Unless modified by an asset's backing document, ownership of an asset
        is restricted to Agora, persons, and organizations.


        Unless modified by an asset's backing document, ownership of an asset
        is restricted to Agora and persons.

    then by removing the paragraph beginning with "An organization's charter".

    Amend rule 2489 ("Estates") by replacing the first sentence with:

        An Estate is a type of indestructible liquid asset. Ownership of
        Estates is restricted to Agora and to players.

    Amend rule 2491 ("Estate Auctions") by replacing its text, entirely, with:

        At the start of each month, if Agora owns at least one Estate, the
        Surveyor CAN, and SHALL in a timely fashion, put one Estate which is
        owned by Agora up for auction by announcement. Each auction ends seven
        days after it begins.

        During an auction, any player CAN bid a number of Shinies by
        announcement, provided the bid is higher than any previously-placed bid
        in the same auction.

        If, at the end of the auction, there is a single highest bid, then the
        player who placed that bid wins the auction. The player who placed the
        winning bid CAN, and SHALL in a timely fashion, cause Agora to transfer
        the auctioned Estate to the winner by announcement by paying Agora the
        amount of the bid.

    Amend rule 2483 ("Economics") by replacing its text, entirely, with:

        Shinies (singular "shiny", abbreviated "sh.") are an indestructible
        liquid currency, and the official currency of Agora. Shiny ownership is
        restricted to Agora, any player, or any entity explicitly defined by
        the Rules to be an Agoran Institution. The Secretary is the
        recordkeepor for Shinies.

        The Secretary CAN cause Agora to pay any player or organization by
        announcement if doing so is specified by a rule.

    Amend the following rules, in order, by replacing the word
    "Secretary" with the word "Treasuror" wherever it appears:

        * Rule 2487 ("Shiny Supply Level")
        * Rule 2498 ("Economic Wins")
        * Rule 2497 ("Floating Value")

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