On Dec 2, 11:42 pm, mdipierro <mdipie...@cs.depaul.edu> wrote:
> On Dec 2, 11:11 pm, Yarko Tymciurak <resultsinsoftw...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> > On Dec 2, 11:00 pm, mdipierro <mdipie...@cs.depaul.edu> wrote:


Massimo - I snipped your mail, as it was getting so long .....

> Yarko, please try write shorter emails. I find myself spending a
> considerable amount of my life reading your emails. I enjoy it but I
> cannot afford it. ;-)

Then just don't read them!  Good heavens, would you go to Lamborghini
and tell them to not make Lamborghini's because you cannot afford
them?  Really!

I am somewhere between these two:

[1] All arguments should be made as short as possible (and no
shorter)  -- I think this was attributed to Albert Einstein;
[2] If I had more time, I would have made the documentation shorter
--  This I first saw from Jon Bentley of Bell Labs;

I suppose this "time" thing is why there are so very, very few
comments in gluon?  Which makes some of the design .... not always
clear... and sometimes the bugs are because of this... which uses up
more of your time...  you get my point => this is a case of failing

I tried to put in Sphinx documentation some time ago, and gave up
because there wasn't enough there to quickly capture....  and I failed
because of [2];

I'll write shorter notes, if you comment your code more / more
informatively.  If I write a tool to extract JUST the comments and
declarations (signatures of classes and functions)  I want to be able
to SEE and FEEL the design (and even from this level modify or extend

Anyone who would like to see this "outline" of principle comments from
web2py let me know - I'll send you a script to extract.

We used to have, in C code (from kernel code, on up) a convention that
"major" comments were written thus:

 * This is a main comment, in a comment block

/* this is a minor comment - on a lne by itself, single line, no code
with it */

   foo = bar();  /* this is a trrivial comment - annotates the code in
a minor way */

and so the comment (e.g. structure / logic) extraction tool could pick
out levels for you - major, major+minor, all (not usually desired).

We could do the same with:

Really major comments - might want to avoid ouput, since they may be
docs, or doctests

#  Like main comment above

# like minor comment above, etc...

Then I won't have to waste so much time in the debugger figuring out
what some peice is doing from it's behavior - I will be able to read
it's intent (and not have to guess or argue about it - and also then
will be able to write much, much shorter posts).


- Yarko
> Massimo


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