Is this discussion getting past the initial basic requirement of
cross-platform bidirectional file transfer capability ?
Someone yesterday mentioned clipboard based transfers, which is trivial for
small and viewable, thus clip-able based files. I too use this method
extensively, and the VNC clipboard functionality does not make up a large
part of the core functionality but seems to be very functional.
What might be easier to implement, or perhaps just document, is platform
specific ways of utilizing this functionality for not so easily clip'd
(binary) files.
Understanding that this may have considerable per platform/application based
limitations on implementation and filesize, but it seems the generic question
we may have gotten away from was a more simplistic, log file, small file to
print, config file, type issue which I would suspect encompasses a large
percentage of the typical needs for many.
Just my $0.02 after a lot of interesting reading.....
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