While I sympathize with the group that is for including ftp capability it is
entirely non-trivial. I spent many years moving data around from machine to
machine and I concur with Steve Morris (from soapbox below). I have always
had an ftp server running on at least one side of the transfer so running
native ftp was never really an issue. I even use it from the command (DOS)
prompt which makes you understand what is going on -- all the nice stuff in
good Win32 GUI ftp-client apps are done by the app NOT ftp itself which is
afterall just a protocol. To learn alot more about ftp, check the following
site: http://www.ftp-protocol.org It has lots of good links including the
relevant RFC's.
If you want to use VNC from Win32 to Win32 platform -- suddenly problem --
no server! Since all the PC's I need to access at work are on the same
network I simply use network disks when sharing data is required. If you
need a good, free ftp server I would suggest looking at War FTP Daemon
written by Jarle Aase out of Norway
(http://support.jgaa.com/index.php?MenuPage=download) I use it on occasion
and it is fairly simple to set up and use. It can be set up as a service on
NT/2000 machines if you need it all the time. If you run the server on your
admin machine, just ftp files to yourself using the client on the VNC
connected machine through VNC.
NOTE: The Win32 programming types out there may also be interested in the
fact that he also has a full Win32 API available for download at the same
link as above. It may be able to be tied into VNC to add the ftp server
capabilities. I'm not sure how relevant this would be since VNC is basically
a display protocol and does not know anything about the system it is
attached to but I leave that to others more knowlegeable than myself.
Glenn Lovitz (mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED])
Pogo Producing Company
-----Original Message-----
(soapbox on)
Why is discussion so adversarial. One class of users has a problem and keeps
posting requests. Another class of users desn't have that problem and
basically declares the first group to be stupid because they can't figure it
--- clipped
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