On Tue, 13 Mar 2001, Bryan A. Pendleton wrote:

> [snip]
> But, from the #2 
> perspective, you've got a custom session running, which is started by the 
> user, runs everything as the user, can only do things the user is allowed 
> to do, etc. This is how the unix side of VNC has been implemented.
> [snip]
> Clearly, with #2, file 
> transfer, security, etc., if desired, should be included in the server. 
> Plugins might be a nice way to go. With #1, though, all of that extra 
> functionality is fluff, and doesn't belong in anything but a co-packaging 
> arrangement.

I think you just made an argument with which no one will agree.  It is
precisely in the UN*X environment that we don't want the extra
bloat.  UN*X users are used to using a grabbag of simple tools to
construct elaborate and extremely functional arrangements.  It is PC users
who prefer the ACME approach.  I guess they are used to installing
complete Microsoft Office just to read mail in Outlook.

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