On 26/10/18 14:49, marc marc wrote:
> Le 26. 10. 18 à 10:27, Robert Skedgell a écrit :
>> Do you have any UK examples of zebra crossings with traffic signals?
> https://overpass-turbo.eu/s/D8E
> I dind't have any local knownledge of those but you can see that some 
> mapper repport a zebra ground painting and a traffic light that apply
> to a crossing


I've taken a look at a few of these in Google Street View (which
obviously can't be used as a data source). The ones I have looked at
appear to be tagging errors, which probably should have been tagged as
e.g. crossing=traffic_signals + crossing_ref=pelican / crossing=pelican.

I'll resurvey the 3 nodes nearer to London at some point in the next few
months, when I'm cycling out in that part of Bedfordshire/Hertforshire.

If there were any UK combined traffic signals and zebra crossings, they
would have to be listed as DfT authorisations for non-standard traffic
signs at https://www.dft.gov.uk/traffic-auths/

Robert Skedgell (rskedgell)

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