Am Fr., 26. Okt. 2018 um 11:30 Uhr schrieb Mateusz Konieczny <>:

> Am Fr., 26. Okt. 2018 um 11:12 Uhr schrieb Mateusz Konieczny <
> In general crossing tag is attempting to tag several different things
>> at once - for example how I am supposed to tag crossing with island,
>> traffic lights and zebra markings in Poland?
> in the simplest case (dual carriageway connected with traffic lights), you
> could tag them like this:
> footway connecting the dual carriageway.
> start and end node:
> highway=crossing
> crossing=traffic_signals
> Not on nodes shared by road and footway?

it is the same (see the assumption above). If sidewalks are mapped, the
better description would indeed have been intersection of road with

> on the way:
> highway=footway
> footway=crossing
> crossing=traffic_island
> Tagging way crossing=traffic_island and nodes crossing=traffic_signals is
> deeply not obvious.

as I wrote, you could limit this to the part on the island.

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