On 26/10/18 10:27, Martin Koppenhoefer wrote:
> Am Fr., 26. Okt. 2018 um 11:21 Uhr schrieb Robert Skedgell
> <r...@hubris.org.uk <mailto:r...@hubris.org.uk>>:
>     I wonder if it's possible differentiate between a normal traffic signal
>     controlled crossing, an uncontrolled zebra crossing and the type of
>     crossing you describe using appropriate values of traffic_sign=* ? 
> maybe, generally I would prefer to distinguish between vertical traffic
> signs and road markings in our tagging, as the former take precendence
> over markings.

I did say I risked being parochial in my assumptions :-)

In the UK road markings are also traffic signs and an upright sign does
not necessarily take precedence. For example, the give way transverse
road marking (= = = = =) is required whether the red inverted triangle
upright sign is present or not. Failure to comply with either is an offence.

> Often there are also other signs on traffic signal controlled
> intersections, like stop or give way signs, which only go into effect in
> the case of the traffic lights turned off (common situation in Germany).
> Maybe someone is interested in finding a solution for these as well, or
> maybe it already exists?

More of a headache than I imagined.

Robert Skedgell (rskedgell)

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