25. Oct 2018 23:39 by marc_marc_...@hotmail.com 

> so my request is : how to avoid again a multi-meaning tag ?

Create multiple tags and do not attempt to create shortcut again.

In general crossing tag is attempting to tag several different things 

at once - for example how I am supposed to tag crossing with island,

traffic lights and zebra markings in Poland?


> may/must we separate the type of crossing from the ground marking ?

Yes. For example in Poland there are crossing markings that look

very similar and have the same name with different legal 


People in that situation will use crossing=zebra, no matter what was

original intention of fist uers and what is documented on wiki

as the intended meaning,


> it doesn't scare me to propose a mass edition once a coherent scheme
> has been found. 

Note that it is unfixable with mass edit. Resurvey of everything is basically 

And it is one more reason for people caring about this information to fix it as

soon as possible.

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