On 1 June 2015 at 06:15, Marc Gemis <marc.ge...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I'll agree that introducing the reception_desk key was/is problematic
> because of the choice of the top level tag.
> On the other hand I do not see why we couldn't tag some of them as amenity
> and others as tourism and have both documented. It's pretty easy for data
> consumers to support both.

Making the top level tag surplus/irrelevant

> Take a look at e.g. historic places. They support all kind of combination
> for the same things (building=farm, historic=yes or just historic=farm).
> They process the data before putting it on the map, so those things appear
> the same for the users of that map.
> As I understood the power_sockets problem is that some want to generalize
> the "power_socket" concept. Do we always have to try to find the most
> general concept and add X number of subtags to say what we really want to
> say ? Or can we sometimes just live with the specialty object (charging
> place for cars).
> I think the use cases are important, when I'm looking for something to
> charge my car, I won't be looking for a socket where I can charge a
> computer, and vice versa. Two totally different use cases. In those
> situations I would accept a specialty tag for each of them. I know the
> world is not black and white and in many cases it will be harder to decide
> on a general tag with subtags or a specialty tag.
> regards
> m

It's quite clear we're not sure what we're doing ;)

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