On 29 May 2015 at 03:27, John Willis <jo...@mac.com> wrote: > > > > On May 29, 2015, at 11:02 AM, pmailkeey . <pmailk...@googlemail.com> > wrote: > > > > And that ties in nicely with my thoughts of removing the words and > generating tags and values by symbols ! > > Mapping by emoji! Just put a hot dog symbol in the hot-dog stand! > > ^_^ > > Absolutely, yay :))
> For getting data into the database from novice mappers - that might not be > a bad idea - however the text description that would invariably be needed > to explain the icons would lead to the same thing. > SCREAM - the whole point is to get rid of language-dependent text !!! So we have a house shape for houses - and if that just happens to look like an igloo, then probably it is ! Oh what fun :) - so for teepees, they'd be the same icon as a camp_site but in building colour rather than 'blue'. > > And as long as there are very rigid definitions in the tags - then the > icons won't fit the ground truth except in the countries of the people who > created the tags. > > Which is true currently - as I find examples that are completely > untaggable in the current system because of the insistence on a single or > primary tag. > > Case in point: > > Video rental shops in Japan also rent music CDs and video games (and > sometimes books/manga too). They also are a bookstore. And stationary and > collectables shop. > > This "media, goods, and rental" shop (as they say on the outside) is a > very common store type - there are many *chains* that offer this > combination, equating to several thousand stores - but currently there is > absolutely no tagging value to convey this properly. It is not primarily a > rental shop with a few magazines, nor a stationary shop with a few books or > DVDs. It is its own beast. > We have a bakery - one wall has shelves containing general food items - canned veg, milk etc. but so limited as to not be convenience stores. Icon just needs the option of additional + sign - to indicate they offer other stuff on top of primary sales. > > Tsutaya, Geo, FamilyBook, and others are all big chains that do this. > > It is simply not a combination that is common in other parts of the world > (AFAIK). > > And without some more hierarchy to handle new and multiple values, it will > be impossible to tag, even with emoji. > Any rule to limit to just one icon ? vehicle filling stations: black pump, green pump, red pump, gas tank. coiled air hose, water tap. Default filling station icon - hover over it and all the others appear ? -- Mike. @millomweb <https://sites.google.com/site/millomweb/index/introduction> - For all your info on Millom and South Copeland via *the area's premier website - * *currently unavailable due to ongoing harassment of me, my family, property & pets* T&Cs <https://sites.google.com/site/pmailkeey/e-mail>
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