On 29 May 2015 at 07:36, Lauri Kytömaa <lkyto...@gmail.com> wrote:

> pmailkeey wrote:
> > johnw wrote:
> >> Forest=natural ?
> >> isn’t that natural=wood?
> > I don't know the difference between a wood and a forest!
> landuse=forest and natural=wood are a poor example for historical
> reasons, when some thought that natural=wood together with
> landuse=forest was "redundant", when it's not: an area used for
> forestry can be without tree cover (after a full chop it takes
> anything from years to decades before the newly planted trees look and
> function like a wood/forest, yet the usage of the land is still
> growing wood for timber). That's why the keys of the tags are
> different, so that one can tag both/all of them. We can live with the
> tags as they are used and documented now, but they shouldn't be used
> as a good example for future tagging. There are no man made trees in
> the forest, they all grow naturally.
Man can plant a natural tree - or it could self-seed.

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