> Once you're out of a comfort zone, you're lost - there are no easy hints
> or rules how to tag some similar or more general things. You just have to
> create completely fresh tags and hope other will agree. That is true for
> seasoned mappers, but even more true for casual ones.
that's true, the tagging schema is open, but guidelines might be welcome to
extend it.

>>  Also look at the reception_desk "classification" problem. Some want to
>> classify it as amenity, others as a tourism feature. That just depends
>> on your needs. There isn't always a classification that works for
>> everyone.
> But we're just mentally caged in a "*=reception_desk schema", so you still
> have to be sure what class is this object. In my view you could tag it only
> "reception_desk=yes" if you don't know or care for classification, but
> you're still able to make it "reception_desk=tourism" for example, if
> that's what you're sure about. I envision classification as a metadata
> level - we can still have default one, but outside the GIS database, which
> would make it easier to extend it if needed (the more objects, the stronger
> need to have something extendable and with more layers). Others can still
> use our classification or make their own. Taking the categories outside the
> database and letting mappers tag only what they are sure is a win-win
> situation IMO.
>>  I'll agree that introducing the reception_desk key was/is problematic
>> because of the choice of the top level tag.
> The need to choose top-level tag for it is the problem itself.

What's a top level key ? Suppose you drop "shop". Then you get bakery=yes.
Is bakery now a top level key ? Is everything acceptable as top level in
this new schema ? Won't we have discussions on what is acceptable as top
level then ?

>  On the other hand I do not see why we couldn't tag some of them as
>> amenity and others as tourism and have both documented. It's pretty
>> easy for data consumers to support both.
> And what about presets? Will there be two of them?

Why not ? OTOH when there is only 1 preset, people are still free to use a
different top level key (and document it), or even make their own preset.
Maybe we should "demand" that each tagging proposal includes a preset for
JOSM and iD, it might also increase acceptance and usage of new tags.

> And what about another kind of reception desk we haven't heard of yet?
> It's easy to believe we already have all the tools for mapping the world
> just because we know our city/town/village/country in general (or even some
> other countries to some extent), but this may not be enough in the future.

> I agree, but you see only the half of the issue. Of course we know just a
> "compact" version sometimes (like amenity=reception_desk or
> tourism=reception_desk), but we have no tools to chop it to say it's really
> "reception_desk=yes + amenity=yes" or "reception_desk=yes + tourism=yes".

Why do you need to specify amenity = yes or tourism = yes  ? What do I
learn from that ? Is this for the case that there are 2 reception desks on
a property (thinking about a campsite here), where one is used by the
tourist and the other for deliveries ?

I still haven't figured out for myself whether top level keys bring a lot
of benefits. I suppose they do for building or shop (see e.g. SK53 latest
diary entry on shop statistics, which won't be possible with a top-level
shop tag).
But does it help for things "amenity", leisure or tourism, which are really
collections of totally different things ? Would they be better off without
those top level tags ?


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