True. Some tailors have pre-made garments, which they alter as needed to fit 
the customer, in addition to or instead of making garments from scratch. I 
would describe the facility that includes pre-made garments as shop=tailor, and 
the facility that makes all garments from raw cloth for each customer as 

On May 18, 2015 8:34:49 AM CDT, Martin Koppenhoefer <> 
> > Am 18.05.2015 um 15:13 schrieb Andreas Goss <>:
> > 
> > Except that several values have moved away from shop like
> shop=tailer => craft=tailor. I mean we have have more than 1000 tags
> with shop=craft
> > Go on page 9,10,...
> and you will find
> many values, which are not shops and have better established tagging
> alternatives.
> I believe there are tailors in shops and tailors working in different
> context, just because there are several keys with the exact same value
> doesn't mean they say exactly the same thing. If you look at the
> numbers, there are more than double the amount of tailors tagged where
> the mapper put emphasis on the shop compared to those where the
> emphasis was put on the craft.
> On page 9 in taginfo shop values, there are pois with 34 uses, I don't
> care for these, they're too few to make any kind of mainstream
> statistics/to draw conclusions.
> cheers 
> Martin 
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