I know a private school that had a classroom in a former carpet store. Still with large windows towards the street. Would that be also be a shop then?

Perhaps is it because I speak American rather than British, but to me a shop is 
a place where the item(s) I buy can be carried out, if not in a shopping bag 
then on a truck (lorry). Assuming that “estate agent” translates to “real 
estate agent”, I would expect them to work out of an office rather than out of 
a shop.

There was a row of three shops on my local hgh street: Butcher, baker
and soft furnishings.

Five years ago, the baker went bust, as was replaced by an estate agent.

Two years ago, the estate agent, being very successful, moved to
larger premises, elsewhere, and the former baker's shop is now a
cheese shop.

Did the middle premises stop being a shop, and then start being a shop again?


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