Think about the tags I have mentioned before, which use "shop" for services 
offered and which don't sell goods. From my point of view, the introduction of the office 
key hasn't changed anything here, office=hairdresser doesn't make sense for a place where 
you get your hair cut, offering services is clearly still a part of the key shop, nothing 
you will carry in a bag or truck though

Except that several values have moved away from shop like shop=tailer => craft=tailor. I mean we have have more than 1000 tags with shop=craft Go on page 9,10,... and you will find many values, which are not shops and have better established tagging alternatives.

And I agree office hairdresser makes no sense, but what about service=hairdresser? What about leisure= ? Especially looking at shop=beauty or shop=massage.

the problem I see is not in the shop definition but within the office tag. The definition 
goes like that: "A place predominantly selling services."

But this is only a subset of offices and is contradicted by the values on the 
same page (eg ngo, association, newspaper, political_party, foundation, 
religion, water_utility, ...)

An office is not always (or even rarely) mainly about selling, it can have 
different purposes like administrating a business or other organization or 

An office is typically about people working with paper, computers , other 
people and the telephone ;-), it is a workspace

The question is which key would have been better than office?
Also just looking at the German term for travel agent for exaple it's Reisebüro so it has office in the name.

Also just looking for real estate office got me this and a google image search shows stuff like this: I don't think that's exactly what you meant with workplace, right? And they are bascially selling you the service of acting as an intermediary.

I agree that office values are not perfect, but I feel like for many it's just the best key OSM offers right now... I mean what are the alternatives for the ones you listed?

(eg ngo, association, newspaper, political_party, foundation, religion, 
water_utility, ...)

shop? amenity? craft?


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