> Am 18.05.2015 um 15:13 schrieb Andreas Goss <andi...@t-online.de>:
> Also just looking at the German term for travel agent for exaple it's
> Reisebüro so it has office in the name.
what a coincidence ;-)
In English there isn't any "office" in travel agency though.
What I remember from discussions about shop vs. office was that a shop will
typically allow customers to come in, while an office might do so or not
(typically there can be front and back offices), and will more likely require
an appointment (also shops might require appointments though). Also if
something material is sold on the premises (and this is a significant part of
the business) it will not be an office. A shop can also have the connotation of
production/repair (as in workshop), while an office can't. Still there are some
cases which fit into both keys, like travel agencies.
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