W dniu 18.05.2015 11:32, Martin Koppenhoefer napisał(a):
yes, it is a shop, but will not get the shop=* tag in OSM because it
is not a shop function, just a shop location / structure. you could
maybe use building:part=shop for it
We need a generic way of separating function from the form, in case they
are not the same, just like what we do with buildings, for example:
building=church (form)
amenity=museum (function)
For objects smaller than building "building:part=*" is probably not the
answer, since it is a 3D tag and this form description rather belongs to
indoor mapping, so I would say room=* (
http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Key:room ) is the proper key. Hence
for example:
room=store (or maybe "shop" to be coherent with our nomenclature)
looks quite good to me, but because we are not really sure what is the
real difference between office=* and shop=* namespaces, we should
probably just drop it and make it:
room=shop (...or the "office", or any other form this room has)
Note, that it also allows us enhancing addressing in a natural way:
room:ref=23 (because addr:door=* may be not precise if a room has more
Room may be a node if we don't know its exact placement and dimensions,
but we can turn it into full indoor area once we know where the inner
walls really are.
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