> On May 17, 2015, at 9:01 AM, SomeoneElse <li...@atownsend.org.uk> wrote:
> On 17/05/2015 16:52, Paweł Marynowski wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> it looks like since 2010 there is no consensus about how to tag estate agent 
>> - shop vs. office. Quick look at taginfo gives clear information, that 
>> office=estate_agent is much more popular.
> Surely both are potentially valid?  Some estate agents' premises are very 
> definitely shops, yet other estate agents work primarily from offices (where 
> the emphasis isn't on facing the customer there).

Perhaps is it because I speak American rather than British, but to me a shop is 
a place where the item(s) I buy can be carried out, if not in a shopping bag 
then on a truck (lorry). Assuming that “estate agent” translates to “real 
estate agent”, I would expect them to work out of an office rather than out of 
a shop.

Love the “bike shedding” that this list promotes. (Not really, but I was 
unaware of that term until I joined this list and it really does apply to 
nearly every tagging topic covered here.)


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