On Sat, 2015-05-02 at 22:22 +0200, Martin Koppenhoefer wrote:

> > camp_pitch=42 ?
> I think this would be an elegant and short method to do it, but it
> will very likely lead to osm-carto not supporting it (not in the key
> namespace that gets included in the rendering db and unlikely there
> will be a dedicated camp_pitch-column in the future).

Martin, does that concern also extend to camp_pitch=yes ?

I have not worked close enough with the rendering DB to get a feel of
whats good and bad. I tend to think of the data in an XML-ish form but
understand it has to get flatter than that at some stage. Could you
elaborate a bit please ?

Maybe suggest a better model ?


> cheers 
> Martin 
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