Messages by Thread
[Sursound] Postdoctoral research opening in hearing aid audiology
Giso Grimm
[Sursound] AES International Conference on Immersive and Interactive Audio Submission Portal Now Open
Gavin Kearney
Re: [Sursound] Sursound Digest, Vol 121, Issue 13
Florian Grond
[Sursound] OT: email client settings
Marc Lavallée
[Sursound] A mic array I don't recognise
Paul Hodges
[Sursound] MEMS SNR Specifications
Ralph Jones
Re: [Sursound] Sursound Digest, Vol 121, Issue 11
Len Moskowitz
Re: [Sursound] Sursound Digest, Vol 121, Issue 11
Bo-Erik Sandholm
Re: [Sursound] Sursound Digest, Vol 121, Issue 11
Stefan Schreiber
Re: [Sursound] Sursound Digest, Vol 121, Issue 11
Re: [Sursound] Sursound Digest, Vol 121, Issue 11
Bo-Erik Sandholm
Re: [Sursound] Looking for mic advice (Zylia)
Fernando Lopez-Lezcano
Re: [Sursound] Looking for mic advice (Zylia)
umashankar manthravadi
Re: [Sursound] Looking for mic advice (Zylia)
Eduardo Patricio
Re: [Sursound] Sursound Digest, Vol 121, Issue 11
Justin Bennett
[Sursound] 3D sound workshops in London
Tom Slater
[Sursound] Fwd: Sursound Digest, Vol 121, Issue 9
Stefan Schreiber
[Sursound] Ricoh TA-1?
Marc Lavallée
Re: [Sursound] Sursound Digest, Vol 121, Issue 9
Florian Grond
[Sursound] Jack, binaural and surround sound
Bearcat M . Şándor
[Sursound] Looking for mic advice
Drew Kirkland
[Sursound] Multi-channel Dante Mic Pre?
Len Moskowitz
[Sursound] BEAST FEaST 2019 Call for Works and Talks
Scott Wilson
[Sursound] about extant ARA materials
Sampo Syreeni
[Sursound] octofile release
Fons Adriaensen
[Sursound] AES 2018 AVAR - registration is open!
Joseph G. Tylka
[Sursound] Registration for WIMP2018 is open now
Hyunkook Lee
[Sursound] AES Engineering Briefs: Corrected Link
Braxton Boren
[Sursound] Call for contributions: AES International Conference on Immersive and Interactive Audio
Gavin Kearney
[Sursound] Call for Engineering Briefs: AES 145th Convention in NYC
Braxton Boren
[Sursound] Deadline extended - Workshop on Audio-Visual Scene Understanding for Immersive Multimedia @ ACM Multimedia
[Sursound] OT: Studio Technician Job
Scott Wilson
[Sursound] Call for Contributions | the 4th Workshop on Intelligent Music Production (WIMP2018)
Hyunkook Lee
[Sursound] A-format to B-format Conversion and Calibration Files
Gerard Lardner
[Sursound] Open-source Spatial Audio VST library - SPARTA
McCormack Leo
[Sursound] Big Pre-amps?
Len Moskowitz
[Sursound] Does "gravure universelle" (universal engraving) mean Ambisonic?
Martin Leese
[Sursound] CFP: Workshop on Audio-Visual Scene Understanding for Immersive Multimedia @ ACM Multimedia
[Sursound] Nuendo 8.2
Courville, Daniel
[Sursound] Open HeadTracking Initiative OHTI - Release announcement
Bo-Erik Sandholm
Re: [Sursound] Sennheiser Ambeo recording headphones
Len Moskowitz
[Sursound] Sounds in Space 2018 Booking Open
Bruce Wiggins
[Sursound] Job: R&D Engineer in Audio Compression at Qualcomm San Diego
Nils Peters
[Sursound] Strange 'buzz' in Ambisonic recording
Gerard Lardner
[Sursound] audeze deal ends tonight
Matthew Moralez
[Sursound] Acoustic measurements
Bob Burton
[Sursound] RIR measuring, how to capture a higher order Ambisonic room responce?
Bo-Erik Sandholm
Re: [Sursound] RIR measuring, how to capture a higher order Ambisonic room responce?
Pierre Alexandre Tremblay
Re: [Sursound] RIR measuring, how to capture a higher order Ambisonic room responce?
Hyunkook Lee
Re: [Sursound] RIR measuring, how to capture a higher order Ambisonic room responce?
Bo-Erik Sandholm
Re: [Sursound] RIR measuring, how to capture a higher order Ambisonic room responce?
jack reynolds
Re: [Sursound] RIR measuring, how to capture a higher order Ambisonic room responce?
jack reynolds
Re: [Sursound] RIR measuring, how to capture a higher order Ambisonic room responce?
Politis Archontis
Re: [Sursound] RIR measuring, how to capture a higher order Ambisonic room responce?
Fernando Lopez-Lezcano
Re: [Sursound] RIR measuring, how to capture a higher order Ambisonic room responce?
Bo-Erik Sandholm
Re: [Sursound] RIR measuring, how to capture a higher order Ambisonic room responce?
Politis Archontis
Re: [Sursound] RIR measuring, how to capture a higher order Ambisonic room responce?
Stefan Schreiber
Re: [Sursound] RIR measuring, how to capture a higher order Ambisonic room responce?
jack reynolds
Re: [Sursound] RIR measuring, how to capture a higher order Ambisonic room responce?
Fons Adriaensen