Thank you Leo!

For some reason the link to the Binauraliser zip (OSX) returns 404...

Everything else seems to be working though.


On 5 June 2018 at 14:40, McCormack Leo <> wrote:

> Hello all!
> I just wanted to quickly share a link to a new open-source spatial audio
> VST plug-in library developed at Aalto University, Finland.
> The library aims to fill in some of the gaps left by other spatial audio
> VST libraries. So we hope that they may prove useful to the community : )
> Currently, the library includes the following plug-ins:
>   *   AmbiDEC: a frequency-dependent Ambisonic decoder for loudspeakers or
> headphones; with SOFA file support.
>   *   AmbiENC: a basic Ambisonic panner supporting up to 64 input channels
> and up to 7th order output.
>   *   Array2SH: converts microphone array signals into Ambisonic signals;
> includes presets for A-format mics, Zylia array, Eigenmike etc.
>   *   Binauraliser: direct HRTF-based binauraliser up to 64 input
> channels; with SOFA file support.
>   *   Panner: a frequency-dependent 3-D VBAP panner.
>   *   Powermap: displays the relative sound energy for multiple directions
> using Ambisonic signals as input; it includes PWD, MVDR, and MUSIC
> algorithms.
>   *   Rotator: an Ambisonic rotator, which supports head-tracking via OSC
> messages.
>   *   SLDoA: a frequency-dependent Direction-of-Arrival estimator, which
> operates on Ambisonic signals up to 7th order.
> For more information and for the VST download links, please see:
> The source code can be found here:
> Cheers!
> Leo
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