Le 20/08/2018 à 23:34, Charlie Richmond a écrit :
If I understand you correctly, every email list I have ever been on
includes the email address of anyone replying to a post via the list, so
what you describe would be highly unusual.
Hi Charlie (and all),
Each email client is different. At least some email clients don't
include the email address of a post in the body of a reply.
Usually, public archives of email lists are partly obfuscating email
addresses, so we will survive. Still, I will try, as much as possible
(and when I think about it), to delete email adresses in the body of my
replies (to email lists).
Please excuse my quasi-useless and very OT intervention; I'm aware that
fighting spam is a lost cause (like trying to avoid plastic or stop
global warming).
On Mon, Aug 20, 2018 at 5:53 PM, Marc Lavallée wrote:
Dear list users.
My email address appeared in a reply to the latest thread.
Email clients should not include email addresses in attributions (when
One possible way to avoid it is to turn off HTML when composing messages.
Thanks for your attention.
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