Many thanks, the information below was very helpful. (At least speaking for myself.)

So I suspect that there are some performance issues involved. (However, the ZM-1 prototype specs  are certainly not that “amateurish” as some have suggested...)

In the end the ZM-1 is not really on the market yet. All we have is some “anecdotical evidence” about the microphone’s prototype performance.

Current product state:

(“ZYLIA is available in a pre-order”)

Otherwise this microphone and its sw has been reviewed in many places.

Just one link:

A fair review (as cited) would take note of the microphone’s many uses and high flexibility.


Stefan Schreiber

- - -

Citando Chris Woolf <>:

I think there is indeed some confusion in this discussion between the signal-to-noise ratio of these mics, and dynamic range.

The first is conventionally related to 1Pa/94dB SPL, and one then needs to add in a Max SPL figure to get the dynamic range.

We need both bits of information to understand the practicality of any mic.

A noise floor of 24dBA (related to 1Pa) is about par for a small personal electret mic. A dynamic range of >115dB is what one would wish for in decent professional mics - that would be a noise floor of 15dBA and a max SPL of >130dB (with a distortion figure of 3 or 5%).

Chris Woolf (ex editor of Microphone Data)
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