I read this many years ago so cannot remember a source, but I think on-axis is 
not the best direction for a tetrahedral array. I think I was told this because 
I was trying to design an array with the capsules at 0, 90, 180 and 270 because 
it would be easier to do (before 3d printing arrived).


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From: Sursound <sursound-boun...@music.vt.edu> on behalf of Steven Boardman 
Sent: Tuesday, September 11, 2018 6:41:05 PM
To: sursound@music.vt.edu
Subject: [Sursound] tetrahedral mic record

Hi Folks

Is it better to align performers to capsule axis, to get the best frequency, 
and noise performance from those directions, then rotate the b-format encode 

I am recording at Union Chapel, with tetrahedral mics, and spot microphones.
The final output will be stereo and HOA.
I usually just position tetra mics as normal (upside down and end-fire), but it 
occurred to me that it may be better to align the capsules to performers (where 
All performers will be spread out horizontally on an equilateral triangle, with 
the main tetra on a corner.
The main decode will be stereo, but I want to capture the acoustic of the 
place, and do a HOA mix.


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