At 19:47 28/07/2003 +0100, Seelig, CD (Chris) wrote:

All the talk about overhead, spammers not honoring 5xx responses seems, to
me, to miss a major point.
We all accept that your gonna get a few false positives (particularly with
tactics like blocking /8 address ranges), now what would you rather the
sender of those genuine emails gets?

1) A failure with a valid reason and maybe contact address.


2) Nothing until the previous mailer to yours in the chain gives up
retrying, probably best part of a week later, and times the messages out
(possibly with a message implying that you have a rubbish mail service that
doesn't respond to connection attempts).

Sure, a 550 is a more polite way to reject someone in the case that they do turn out to be a genuinue sender, no argument there....

But my point to the person I was responding to was that a 500 reject doesn't save you any bandwidth against an actual spammer, probably the opposite, since they ignore it and keep trying..


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