All the talk about overhead, spammers not honoring 5xx responses seems, to
me, to miss a major point. 
We all accept that your gonna get a few false positives (particularly with
tactics like blocking /8 address ranges), now what would you rather the
sender of those genuine emails gets?

1) A failure with a valid reason and maybe contact address.


2) Nothing until the previous mailer to yours in the chain gives up
retrying, probably best part of a week later, and times the messages out
(possibly with a message implying that you have a rubbish mail service that
doesn't respond to connection attempts).


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Simon Byrnand [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: 28 July 2003 01:26
> To: Matt Kettler; Turgut Kalfaoglu
> Subject: Re: [SAtalk] Block an entire Network?
> At 23:17 25/07/2003 -0400, Matt Kettler wrote:
> >At 03:09 PM 7/25/03 +0300, Turgut Kalfaoglu wrote:
> >> > >How does one go about blacklisting an entire network, 
> say for example
> >> > >[EMAIL PROTECTED] does not seem to work?
> >>
> >>If you have the option; block it from the firewall OR router.
> >>It saves SO much overhead!
> >
> >Actualy, it is the lowest overhead to 5xx it at the MTA 
> level.. if you 
> >block it at the firewall or router, it will keep trying 
> repeatedly to 
> >connect to deliver the mail..
> That unfortunately assumes that the software that spammers 
> use to send spam 
> actually listens to 5xx MTA rejections - in fact 90% of them 
> don't, they 
> just drop the connection and try again and again despite the 5xx 
> rejections...(thats one almost sure fire way of picking out a 
> spammer from 
> someone genuine - any genuine sending MTA won't try 
> repeatedly to send the 
> same messages after 5xx rejects)


Chris Seelig                        Phone: +44 1235 446234
Network Development Group,          Fax  : +44 1235 445727
Information Technology Department   Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Rutherford Appleton Laboratory,     WWW  :
OX11 0QX,
United Kingdom.

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