Rick Beebe wrote:
> I'd like to appeal to the SA collective to change the name of the 
> PENIS_ENLARGE tests to something a little more innocuous. Apparently 
> some people find it offensive to see it in their email.

I think almost everyone who responded missed the real problem here.
And quite frankly the "combative" attitude as it was described by one
poster is disconcerting.  Rick is asking about this point in good
faith.  Please think about being a helpful community of SA users and
not a hostile one.  This isn't the perl5-porters list, after all.

Here is what I see as the problem.  (The world according to Bob.)  The
default configuration is to show you the result of the tests and the
spam as an attachment.  Now instead of being offended by seeing spam
they are being offended by seeing spam-like reports about the spam in
the message.  To the user reading this it is still ugly.  While life
is a little bit better it is still not a nice place to be.  Every spam
message is still there in-your-face.

So what is the problem with this?  Why aren't most of the users on
this list offended in the same way?  I will hazard a guess that most
of the more sophisticated users do things completely differently.  I
am guessing that most file it into seperate folders.

> So I've taken to doing a search and replace changing it to
> BIGGER_BITS. It will be a minor pain to do that every time I
> upgrade, but it's doable. It doesn't seem like it should be a big
> deal to make that change globally, though. Is it? Thanks for your
> consideration.

Instead of doing this let me suggest that you turn on automatic filing
of spam into different folders other than the user's main mailbox.
This way whenever there is a spam and the associated spam report it is
not in-your-face for your users.  They have to go trolling through the
garbage can in order to see it.  In real life if a user is trolling
through the garbage pale and finds something discusting they deal with
it.  It is a hazard of searching the garbage pale.  This is one method
to keep the offenses to users to a minimum.

Alternately if a caught-spam folder is not an option then I would turn
on header reports (can't remember the exact option, but man
Mail::SpamAssassin::Conf would show it) so that all the user would
normally see would be the marking that the message was in the
attachment and probably spam.  Again, if the user wants to see the
details of the garbage they have to go out of their way to do so and
will not be casually offended.  I think this second option is somewhat
less desirable than the first.

As a last option, you could post filter all mail and do a regular
expression change for the naughty word rules to change them to your
choice of report names.  Being a post processor of the mail you would
not need to modify SA at all and could upgrade it stock every time.  A
procmail rule should be able to do this rather easily.  I think this
is the least desirable solution but yet another possibility.


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