Arpi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> > On 27 February 2002, Craig R Hughes said:
> > >        181          98          83  RATWARE
> > 
> > That's interesting.  I wonder if the RATWARE regex is too broad --
> > perhaps if it were toned down a bit, it would be better focussed on
> > spam.  This ought to be a well-focused rule; how many people use
> > spamware to send out regular email?
> I doubt the non-spam folder is 100% spam-free.

I suppose that's possible, but I imagine that Craig was pretty careful
about weeding the corpus before he started basing the GA on it.

I have a handful of false-positive hits on that rule in SA2.01; all
involving a guy who uses (capitalized like that)
as a domain name.  I'd imagine that many of the false positives are
just normal occurrences of "Avalanche", "Calypso", or "Crescent" in
the header.

Stephen L. Peters                                  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  PGP fingerprint: A1BF 5A81 03E7 47CE 71E0  3BD4 8DA6 9268 5BB6 4BBE
     "Poodle: The other white meat." -- Sherman, Sherman's Lagoon

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