*craig struts around the room saying nahnananana told you so*

Just kidding.  But really, I think it's correct that these scores are better.  I 
don't know if they're 20-30% better, but I'd say at least 10%.


Rick Macdougall wrote:

> Date: Wed, 27 Feb 2002 19:57:54 -0500
> From: Rick Macdougall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: Spamassassin-Talk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: GA coming up with wacky scores? was Re: [SAtalk] Announcing
>     2.1 release
> Hi,
> Just my 2 cents....
> I receive on the order of 500 emails per day. I get aliased on support, dns,
> webmaster and a few others, as well as having my email address archived for
> all spammers to harvest since 1994.  Plus various mailing lists etc...
> Approx 100 of those a day are spam, some days more than others.  I installed
> the latest version this morning and I have had a 100% hit rate on Spam and a
> 100% no hit rate on non-spam (including some that got marked as spam in the
> old version, ie mypoints.com, don't ask it's a wife thing).
> I'd say the new rules are at least 10 or 20 percent better than the old
> rules for the e-mail I get, without any false positives today or any leakage
> into my readable inbox.
> Regards,
> Rick
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Duncan Findlay" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "Spamassassin-Talk" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Wednesday, February 27, 2002 7:46 PM
> Subject: Re: GA coming up with wacky scores? was Re: [SAtalk] Announcing 2.1
> release
> On Wed, Feb 27, 2002 at 04:28:07PM -0800, Craig R Hughes wrote:
> > Duncan Findlay wrote:
> >
> > > Ummm... I'd be heavily inclined to set these spam scores to 0.01. It's
> not
> > > that I don't trust the GA, it's just that if these are the outputs, they
> > > aren't needed in the first place.
> >
> > That's not necessarily the case.  They might be needed to reduce false
> > positives.  As I posted a couple messages ago, I think I'll do some amount
> of
> > investigation of the tests which are hit by remaining false positives and
> false
> > negatives to see which rules are affecting those messages and get a little
> more
> > information about what's going on.  For the curious, I've attached the
> frequency
> > file that the GA used as part of the process of determining these scores.
> The
> > format of the file is pretty straightforward.
> >
> > C
> Questional tests:
> score GAPPY_TEXT                     -3.667
> spam: 261. nonspam: 112.
> score PORN_8                         -5.452
> spam: 3. nonspam: 22.
> score TRACKER_ID                     -4.899
> spam: 9. nonspam: 9
> Ridiculous scores:
> score 25FREEMEGS_URL                 -4.606
> spam: 6. nonspam: 0.
> score CYBER_FIRE_POWER               -4.020
> spam: 10. nonspam: 0.
> score EXCUSE_5                       13.447
> spam: 10. nonspam: 0.
> score MONSTERHUT                     -8.280
> spam: 40. nonspam: 0.
> score ONCE_IN_LIFETIME               -4.604
> spam: 83. nonspam: 5.
> --
> Duncan Findlay
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