Re: [yocto] Cannot Compile Application in Eclipse IDE Juno

2012-11-09 Thread Zhang, Jessica
Hi Sean, ADT support all 4 architectures (x86, arm, ppc and mips). By reading your steps on how did you set up your cross development environment, seems there's confusion there. Can you stick with one method at the time so it's easier for us to help on resolving your issue? Can you downloa

Re: [yocto] Cannot Compile Application in Eclipse IDE Juno

2012-11-11 Thread Zhang, Jessica
#x27;s going to be extracted as sysroot. Also, for Eclipse, please make sure the toolchain and sysroot is matching what you've used adt-installer to set them to. Thanks, Jessica From: Sean Liming [] Sent: Friday, November 09, 2012 7:50 PM To: Zhang

Re: [yocto] Autotools-based project question

2012-11-13 Thread Zhang, Jessica
Scott, In eclipse when you reconfigure the project and build the project, all the details will be show in the console, those are the info you need to capture in the document if people do things from command-line. Cheers, Jessica From: [mailto:yocto-boun...

Re: [yocto] [PATCH 1/3] Initialize bitbake session & environment parse variables

2012-11-27 Thread Zhang, Jessica
Hi Ioana, The patched won't apply and please rebase against eclipse-poky-windows and resubmit. Thanks, Jessica -Original Message- From: [] On Behalf Of Ioana Grigoropol Sent: Monday, November 26, 2012 2:05 AM To: yoct

[yocto] Yocto Project Bug Triage page

2012-11-29 Thread Zhang, Jessica
Hi All, Yocto Bug Triage page is made public now: Linked to from here: Thanks, Jessica ___ yocto mailing list https://

Re: [yocto] Howto use yocto meta-toolchain?

2012-12-03 Thread Zhang, Jessica
Hi Marco, Can you filed a bug about this in bugzilla? Also, you don't need to sudo to run the install script, if you choose the default location which is /opt/poky/1.3, it'll prompt you for the password, or you can specify a directory under your $HOME dir. In your bug, can you provide some de

Re: [yocto] [PATCH 0/3] [eclipse-poky] Eclipse plugin on Windows - fixes for progress update on wizards & input validation

2012-12-04 Thread Zhang, Jessica
Hi Ioana, There's issue as to syntax for YoctoHostShellProcessAdaptor since it's only supported by JDK version 1.7 and above. Also, when I tried the plugin on Linux, it still failed for creating a project for an existing metadata directory. With a not very clear error message " Directory /ho

Re: [yocto] [PATCH] Fix incompatibility with jre1.6 support for typed HashMap

2012-12-05 Thread Zhang, Jessica
Hi Ioana, None of your patches of today apply so there seems to be some rebase issue. Also, I've added headless build support changes for windows BC plugin, so can you rebase against jzhang/windows-build and resubmit the patch series? Thanks, Jessica -Original Message- From: yocto-bou

Re: [yocto] [PATCH] Fix incompatibility with jre1.6 support for typed HashMap

2012-12-07 Thread Zhang, Jessica
ching run "git am --abort". -Original Message- From: Grigoropol, IoanaX Sent: Thursday, December 06, 2012 6:02 AM To: Zhang, Jessica; Subject: RE: [yocto] [PATCH] Fix incompatibility with jre1.6 support for typed HashMap Hi Jessica, There seems to be a bit of a mi

Re: [yocto] [PATCH 0/8][eclipse-poky] Enable setting yocto settings in the project properties dialog

2012-12-07 Thread Zhang, Jessica
Hi Timo, Great patch set and merged to eclipse-poky master. Thanks, Jessica -Original Message- From: [] On Behalf Of Sent: Tuesday, December 04, 2012 1:22 AM To: Cc: Timo Muell

Re: [yocto] [PATCH 0/3][eclipse-poky] Add option to allow building from local repo

2012-12-07 Thread Zhang, Jessica
Hi Timo, There're some changes made to eclipse build scripts, so your patch won't be able to apply. Can you rebase against latest master and resend? Thanks, Jessica -Original Message- From: [] On Behalf Of m...@timomu

Re: [yocto] [PATCH] Fix incompatibility with jre1.6 support for typed HashMap

2012-12-10 Thread Zhang, Jessica
we add new feature for supporting windows platform, we shouldn't impact the existing Linux user experience. Thanks, Jessica -Original Message- From: Grigoropol, IoanaX Sent: Monday, December 10, 2012 1:55 AM To: Zhang, Jessica; Subject: RE: [yocto] [PATCH] Fix incom

Re: [yocto] [PATCHv3 0/3][eclipse-poky] Add option to allow building from local repo

2012-12-11 Thread Zhang, Jessica
Merged to eclipse-poky master. Thanks, Jessica -Original Message- From: [] On Behalf Of Sent: Tuesday, December 11, 2012 12:13 AM To: Cc: Timo Mueller Subject: [yocto] [PATCHv3

Re: [yocto] [PATCH v3] [eclipse-poky-windows][branch:windows-build]Remove validate existing repository radio button

2012-12-11 Thread Zhang, Jessica
Hi Ioana, I merged your patches up to this one to jzhang/windows-build branch of eclipse-poky. Please send out the final patches for Linux performance improvements that we've discussed. Also, many java files there's a comment section at the beginning, can you add some comments about your chan

Re: [yocto] [PATCH v3] [eclipse-poky-windows][branch:windows-build]Remove validate existing repository radio button

2012-12-13 Thread Zhang, Jessica
e performing any operations that might need this information. What is your opinion on this matter? Thanks, Ioana -Original Message- From: Zhang, Jessica Sent: Wednesday, December 12, 2012 12:44 AM To: Grigoropol, IoanaX; Subject: RE: [yocto] [PATCH v3] [eclipse-p

Re: [yocto] What is GMAE?

2012-12-14 Thread Zhang, Jessica
Actually I talked with Richard regarding retiring the toolchain targets (meta-toolchain and meta-toolchain-gmae) as Mark mentioned that now we can build a toolchain matching the image. Also, we're continue improving adt-installer which also allows you to setup sysroot using the target image as

Re: [yocto] What is GMAE?

2012-12-14 Thread Zhang, Jessica] Sent: Friday, December 14, 2012 1:58 PM To: Zhang, Jessica Cc: Mark Hatle; Subject: Re: [yocto] What is GMAE? On Fri, Dec 14, 2012 at 4:09 PM, Zhang, Jessica wrote: > Actually I talked with Richard regarding retiring the toolchain targets > (me

Re: [yocto] [RFCv3 0/7][eclipse-poky] Integrate yocto documentation into eclipse

2012-12-14 Thread Zhang, Jessica
Hi Timo, Sorry for the delay, but finally got a chance to look into these patches. I like how it automate the docgen and integrate them into eclipse. The concern that I'm having is, it seems converting all the Yocto Project Docs, originally I thought only for ADT manual. So to view these doc

Re: [yocto] IMHO, cross-compile/toolchain examples should use non-x86 arches

2012-12-17 Thread Zhang, Jessica
Or in Yocto Project context, we kind of use ADT more inclusive that referring what Mark talked about SDK, the eclipse plug-in and other developers tools. And we don't call out SDK that much. --Jessica -Original Message- From: [mailto:yocto-boun...@yoctop

Re: [yocto] IMHO, cross-compile/toolchain examples should use non-x86 arches

2012-12-18 Thread Zhang, Jessica
ecember 18, 2012 9:36 AM To: Zhang, Jessica; 'Mark Hatle'; Subject: RE: [yocto] IMHO, cross-compile/toolchain examples should use non-x86 arches Jessica and Mark, Thank you for the responses. It appears that there is another thread on the same subject. Let m

Re: [yocto] Fails to launch the hob

2013-01-03 Thread Zhang, Jessica
Hi Belen, I'll modify the error message per suggestion. By looking at the existing code, seems we only check for GTK+ and PyGtk version, so probably I'll drop PyGobject in the error message. So you probably can update the hob info on the web-site accordingly. Thanks, Jessica -Original M

Re: [yocto] Future of WebHob?

2013-01-08 Thread Zhang, Jessica
Hi Tino, We're in the process of officially kick off webhob as a sub project of Yocto Project, e.g. setup mailing list, wiki pages, etc. And some announcement will be made soon. So stay tuned. Thanks, Jessica -Original Message- From: [mailto:yocto-boun.

Re: [yocto] Shouldn't linux/version.h appear in the SDK's host sysroot?

2013-01-10 Thread Zhang, Jessica
Hi Patrick, The toolchain and sysroot are behaving correctly, the x86_64-pokysdk-linux contains the cross tools for your development host, whereas armv7a-vfp-neon-poky-linux-gnueabi contains your target sysroot, and all your target programs should be using files against that sysroot. By not k

Re: [yocto] [PATCH 0/3][eclipse-poky][branch:windows-build]

2013-01-10 Thread Zhang, Jessica
Hi Ioana, I'm still seeing problems: 1. seems the reinstate OEFilesystem etc. changes is not taking effect, I'm still running into heap space error with my metadata directory with huge build data. So can you create such a metadata directory and run toolchain, and sato-sdk build and see whethe

Re: [yocto] Build external module against Yocto kernel

2013-01-15 Thread Zhang, Jessica
Hi Patrick, According to bug 1614, the kernel dev packages should be included in sdk images. Please generate your toolchain using "bitbake core-image-sato-sdk -c populate_sdk" which will make the toolchain target sysroot matching your image's sysroot (this is a new feature of 1.3) as long as y

Re: [yocto] [PATCH] [Bug #3963][eclipse-poky][branch:denzil]

2013-01-15 Thread Zhang, Jessica
Merged to eclipse-poky denzil. Thanks, Jessica -Original Message- From: [] On Behalf Of Ioana Grigoropol Sent: Tuesday, January 15, 2013 8:40 AM To: Subject: [yocto] [PATCH] [Bug #3963][eclipse-pok

Re: [yocto] Eclipse Plugin

2013-01-17 Thread Zhang, Jessica
Hi Raul, Before we can help you debug your issue, can you provide more info regarding to: 1. How did you setup your cross toolchain? ADT installer or toolchain tarball (your build if so, how did you build it. If not, which one did you download?) 2. And also, please provide mor

Re: [yocto] Eclipse Plugin

2013-01-18 Thread Zhang, Jessica
indicates 'no make target'. >> >> Looking at the files, I could see that was executed, but >> the configure script don't. I believe that there is some isse where >> the IDE is not executing the configure script. >> >> Do you have any clue abo

Re: [yocto] Eclipse Plugin

2013-01-18 Thread Zhang, Jessica
Hi Flavio, See my comments or questions below... Thanks, Jessica -Original Message- From: Flavio Castro Alves Filho [] Sent: Friday, January 18, 2013 4:25 AM To: Zhang, Jessica Cc: Raul Rosetto Munoz; Subject: Re: [yocto] Eclipse

Re: [yocto] Adding ALSA to the Yocto SDK

2013-01-21 Thread Zhang, Jessica
Hi Patrick, Since you're able to add the dev packages to images, just do bitbake yourimagewithALSA -c populate_sdk, that should generate a SDK contains ALSA. By default, meta-toolchain-sdk is predefined unless you use "-c populate_sdk" to enforce the SDK sysroot to match your rootfs. Cheers,

Re: [yocto] [PATCH] scripts/ Fixed local build to use the correct repository path

2013-01-22 Thread Zhang, Jessica
Merged to eclipse-poky master. Thanks, Jessica -Original Message- From: [] On Behalf Of Timo Mueller Sent: Tuesday, January 22, 2013 4:03 AM To: Cc: Timo Mueller Subject: [yocto] [PATCH] scripts/bu

Re: [yocto] Inconsistency in the SDK

2013-01-23 Thread Zhang, Jessica
Please file a bug at Thanks, Jessica -Original Message- From: [] On Behalf Of Patrick Turley Sent: Wednesday, January 23, 2013 8:06 AM To: Subject: [yocto] Inconsistency i

Re: [yocto] are separate -sdk image targets necessary Was: Build external module against Yocto kernel

2013-01-23 Thread Zhang, Jessica
your cross development sysroot, if you want to use your toolchain against different sysroot(s). Thanks, Jessica -Original Message- From: Trevor Woerner [] Sent: Wednesday, January 23, 2013 8:51 AM To: Zhang, Jessica Cc: Subject: are separate

Re: [yocto] [PATCH v5] Fix race conditions for reading output from local processes

2013-01-24 Thread Zhang, Jessica
Hi Ioana, As we discussed, please send this patch to upstream. Thanks, Jessica -Original Message- From: [] On Behalf Of Ioana Grigoropol Sent: Thursday, January 24, 2013 7:20 AM To: Subject: [yoct

Re: [yocto] [PATCH] [eclipse-poky][branch:windows-build]Fix Launching Hob command

2013-01-24 Thread Zhang, Jessica
Merged to Eclipse windows-build branch. Thanks, Jessica -Original Message- From: [] On Behalf Of Ioana Grigoropol Sent: Thursday, January 24, 2013 4:49 AM To: Subject: [yocto] [PATCH] [eclipse-poky

Re: [yocto] [RFC 00/17][eclipse-poky] Storing yocto settings as target profiles

2013-01-24 Thread Zhang, Jessica
Hi Timo and Atanas, Thanks for the contribution and I really think it's a great idea and nice feature enhancement by allowing save user customized preference configs via profiles. But I ran into couple issues when applying the patch series and playing with it. 1st. For patch 7/17, seems we're

Re: [yocto] install and use "bitbake -c populate_sdk"

2013-01-30 Thread Zhang, Jessica
Hi Eddy, The SDK is meant to be used on development host for cross development instead of target. Sounds like you need an sdk image which contains the development tools and needed development library and kernel sources. Please refer to core-image-sato-sdk for how to customize your image to a

Re: [yocto] install and use "bitbake -c populate_sdk"

2013-01-30 Thread Zhang, Jessica
ry 30, 2013 7:54 PM To: Zhang, Jessica Cc: Subject: Re: [yocto] install and use "bitbake -c populate_sdk" Thanks Jessica, why I tried to use "-c populate-sdk" is because that I can find "core-image-sato-sdk" but no "core-image-basic-sdk

Re: [yocto] [RFC v2 00/18][eclipse-poky] Storing yocto settings as target profiles

2013-01-31 Thread Zhang, Jessica
Hi Timo, I'm having a hard time figuring out the sequence of this patch series. You have 01/18-09/18, then 10/17 is obsolete, then you have things like 12/18 and 12/17 and some have XX/18 and some have XX/17. Can you do some cleanup and resend? Thanks, Jessica -Original Message- Fro

Re: [yocto] [RFC v4 00/13][eclipse-poky] Integrate yocto documentation into eclipse

2013-01-31 Thread Zhang, Jessica
Hi Timo, Thanks for the patch and everything looks good. So question to you and Scott, what's the plan from the doc site that we need to coordinate to have this merged into master. Thanks, Jessica -Original Message- From: [mailto:yocto-boun...@yoctoproje

Re: [yocto] [PATCH v7] [399231] Fix race conditions when reading using LocalShellOutputReader(s)

2013-02-01 Thread Zhang, Jessica
Hi Ioana, Seems your patch is introducing more changes than just add lock, you also added the getReader function which in your patch description you need to explain it as well. The other thing is do we really need to introduce the change at the IHostShell interface level, which will enforce th

Re: [yocto] [PATCH v7] [399231] Fix race conditions when reading using LocalShellOutputReader(s)

2013-02-01 Thread Zhang, Jessica
OK, then I don't have other comments but these are the supporting info I think need to go into patch comments. Thx. - Jessica -Original Message- From: Grigoropol, IoanaX Sent: Friday, February 01, 2013 9:07 AM To: Zhang, Jessica; Subject: RE: [yocto] [PAT

Re: [yocto] [RFC v3 00/18][eclipse-poky] Storing yocto settings as target profiles

2013-02-05 Thread Zhang, Jessica
Hi Timo, The patch series looks much better. Here're few things we probably need to refine or explore a little bit more: 1. when I remove a profile, I'll get the following warning "Do you really want to the remove the target profile "profile-ide"?Projects using this target profile will be reco

Re: [yocto] [RFC v3 00/18][eclipse-poky] Storing yocto settings as target profiles

2013-02-07 Thread Zhang, Jessica
Great! Looking forward to the patch set. I think keep "Save as..." and leave the button up should be the right way to go... Thanks, Jessica -Original Message- From: Timo Müller [] Sent: Thursday, February 07, 2013 2:26 AM To: Zhang, Jessica

Re: [yocto] [RFC v5 00/12][eclipse-poky] Integrate yocto documentation into eclipse

2013-02-08 Thread Zhang, Jessica
Hi Timo, Thanks, these are merged into eclipse-poky master with the following patch to address an issue in your original patches :-) Cheers, Jessica Fixed the DOC_GIT hard coded issueHEADmaster Signed-off-by: Jessica Zhang Diffstat -rwxr-xr-x scripts/ 3 1 files changed, 1

Re: [yocto] [RFC v4 00/17][eclipse-poky] Storing yocto settings as target profiles

2013-02-08 Thread Zhang, Jessica
Everything looks good and merged to eclipse-poky master. Thanks for the contribution. Cheers, Jessica -Original Message- From: [] On Behalf Of Timo Mueller Sent: Friday, February 08, 2013 5:26 AM To: yocto@yoctoproject.

Re: [yocto] [RFC v1 0/5][eclipse-poky] Enable target profiles for projects

2013-02-08 Thread Zhang, Jessica
Hi Timo, Couple comments: 1. I really like the way that the global profile and project profile are linked together. But it also introduce an out of sync issue. Say I use a profile compiled my project with one set of toolchain and sysroot setup. Then I change the toolchain and sysroot sett

[yocto] Please update your bug status and focus working on bugs

2013-02-14 Thread Zhang, Jessica
Hi All, As we're approaching our final milestones of 1.3 release. Please make sure to update your bugs status to reflect what stage they're in, e.g. if the patch is merged, make sure to mark the bug resolved. Also, for those of you have a high bug counts 10+ (

Re: [yocto] [PATCH 0/3][eclipse-poky] Small cleanup patch set

2013-02-14 Thread Zhang, Jessica
Merged to eclipse-poky master. Thanks, Jessica -Original Message- From: [] On Behalf Of Atanas Gegov Sent: Tuesday, February 12, 2013 1:50 AM To: Subject: [yocto] [PATCH 0/3][eclipse-poky] Small cl

Re: [yocto] [PATCH 0/5][eclipse-poky] Rename target profiles and handle global changes

2013-02-26 Thread Zhang, Jessica
Merged to eclipse-poky master. Thanks, Jessica -Original Message- From: [] On Behalf Of Timo Mueller Sent: Tuesday, February 26, 2013 5:49 AM To: Cc: Timo Mueller Subject: [yocto] [PATCH 0/5][eclip

Re: [yocto] [PATCH] plugins/sdk.ide: Remove profile edit buttons from property page

2013-02-27 Thread Zhang, Jessica
Merged to eclipse-poky master. Thanks, Jessica -Original Message- From: [] On Behalf Of Timo Mueller Sent: Wednesday, February 27, 2013 6:33 AM To: Cc: Timo Mueller Subject: [yocto] [PATCH] plugins

Re: [yocto] [PATCH 0/5][eclipse-poky] Refactor handling of SDK check errors

2013-02-27 Thread Zhang, Jessica
Hi Timo, Thanks for initiating the cleanup in this area that I agree definitely need some work. There're couple issues I'm seeing with your patch set that probably need some refinements: 1. After seeing the error message, if I go into the field correct the error, I have to explicit click on "

Re: [yocto] [PATCH 0/5][eclipse-poky] Refactor handling of SDK check errors

2013-03-04 Thread Zhang, Jessica
Comments below... Thanks, Jessica -Original Message- From: Timo Müller [] Sent: Friday, March 01, 2013 1:37 AM To: Zhang, Jessica Cc:; Timo Mueller Subject: Re: [yocto] [PATCH 0/5][eclipse-poky] Refactor handling of SDK check errors Hi

Re: [yocto] Hob terminal is getting terminated

2013-03-05 Thread Zhang, Jessica
Hi, So how did you clone the yocto meta data, via eclipse? Seems your Linux distro is not quite setup to run bitbake. Can you follow the quick start guide( to ensure that you can run bitbake first? Thanks,

Re: [yocto] [PATCH 0/5][eclipse-poky] Improve SDK check error messages

2013-03-05 Thread Zhang, Jessica
Merged to eclipse-poky master. Thanks, Jessica -Original Message- From: [] On Behalf Of Timo Mueller Sent: Tuesday, March 05, 2013 12:29 AM To: Cc: Timo Mueller Subject: [yocto] [PATCH 0/5][eclipse

Re: [yocto] [PATCH] [eclipse-poky][branch:master]Use bash instead of sh for yocto-bsp build directory

2013-03-06 Thread Zhang, Jessica
Merged to eclipse-poky master. Thanks, Jessica -Original Message- From: [] On Behalf Of Ioana Grigoropol Sent: Wednesday, March 06, 2013 3:49 AM To: Subject: [yocto] [PATCH] [eclipse-poky][branch:m

Re: [yocto] [PATCHv2 2/5] Moved functionality that does not belong to YoctoSDKProjectNature

2013-03-06 Thread Zhang, Jessica
Hi Atanas, When I tried to apply this patch, I'm getting following errors, can you verify your patch? Thanks, Jessica Applying: Moved functionality that does not belong to YoctoSDKProjectNature /home/jzhang/eclipse-poky/.git/rebase-apply/patch:105: trailing whitespace.

Re: [yocto] [eclipse-poky][PATCHv3 0/6] Refactorings in org.yocto.sdk.ide plugin

2013-03-07 Thread Zhang, Jessica
Merged to eclipse-poky master. Thanks for the contribution. Cheers, Jessica -Original Message- From: [] On Behalf Of Atanas Gegov Sent: Thursday, March 07, 2013 6:09 AM To: Subject: [yocto] [eclip

Re: [yocto] [PATCH v2] [eclipse-poky][master]Add more comprehensive error message for invalid project name

2013-03-14 Thread Zhang, Jessica
Hi Ioana, This patch still can't address the situation that found by Timo as following Thanks, Jessica I forgot to mention. I found a way to create projects with invalid names. # Create a new Yocto C Project # Enter a wrong name eg. Test" # Press next # Press finish # --> Error Message is s

Re: [yocto] [PATCH] Remove clutter project templates

2013-04-03 Thread Zhang, Jessica
Hi Paul, We removed clutter project templates just because we found that the underline package support for it is no longer there(in core-image-sato) and assume that there's a reason for the change. I'm in the same boat as you that by no means I'm an expert with clutter thus don't know how popu

Re: [yocto] [PATCH] [eclipse-poky][master]Check build directory when location is set using "Browse" button

2013-04-05 Thread Zhang, Jessica
Hi Ioana, I can't reproduce the bug on my end so can't further debug the issue. But based on the context of this patch, seems we're missing checkBuildDir for buildLocation? By looking at the code, shouldn't the easiest fix is to add checkBuildDir on the validatePage for the case the buildLoca

Re: [yocto] [PATCH][eclipse-poky][master] Systemtap: use FileDialog instead of DirectoryDialog for script browser

2013-04-11 Thread Zhang, Jessica
Merged to eclipse-poky master and Dylan Thanks, Jessica -Original Message- From: [] Sent: Wednesday, April 10, 2013 9:12 AM To: Zhang, Jessica Cc:; Adrian Dudau Subject: [PATCH][eclipse-poky][master] Systemtap: use

Re: [yocto] [PATCHv2 4/9] plugins/sdk.ide: Switch to YoctoSDKAutotoolsProjectNature

2013-04-15 Thread Zhang, Jessica
Hi Atanas, Everything looks good for the patch series except can we make YoctoSDKAutotoolsProjectNature subclass of YoctoSDKProjectNature by extending it to better show the classes relationship. In this way, you don't need to introduce the special method of addYoctoSDKAutotoolsNature in Yocto

Re: [yocto] [PATCH] [eclipse-poky][master]Capture error output of crosstap command

2013-04-17 Thread Zhang, Jessica
Merged to eclipse-poky master and dylan. Thanks, Jessica -Original Message- From: [] On Behalf Of Ioana Grigoropol Sent: Tuesday, April 16, 2013 6:32 AM To: Subject: [yocto] [PATCH] [eclipse-poky][

Re: [yocto] [eclipse-poky][PATCHv3 00/10] Introducing a YoctoSDKAutotoolsProjectNature

2013-04-17 Thread Zhang, Jessica
Merged to eclipse-poky master. Thanks, Jessica -Original Message- From: [] On Behalf Of Atanas Gegov Sent: Wednesday, April 17, 2013 6:29 AM To: Subject: [yocto] [eclipse-poky][PATCHv3 00/10] Intro

Re: [yocto] [eclipse-poky][RFC 0/6] Introducing a YoctoSDKCMakeProjectNature

2013-04-23 Thread Zhang, Jessica
Hi Atanas, Overall, the patches look good. Couple comments: 1. So from the end user perspective, after the 2nd patch set, user will see "Yocto Project ADT CMake Project" category when they want to create a new project? 2. Can we change the API for addNatures by using an enum type for projectNa

Re: [yocto] [PATCH] [eclipse-poky][master]Display progress bar while running systemtap script

2013-04-24 Thread Zhang, Jessica
Merged to eclipse-poky master. Thanks, Jessica -Original Message- From: [] On Behalf Of Ioana Grigoropol Sent: Wednesday, April 24, 2013 5:16 AM To: Subject: [yocto] [PATCH] [eclipse-poky][master]D

Re: [yocto] [PATCH] [eclipse-poky][master]Display progress bar while running systemtap script

2013-04-24 Thread Zhang, Jessica
Merged to eclipse-poky master. Thanks, Jessica -Original Message- From: [] On Behalf Of Ioana Grigoropol Sent: Wednesday, April 24, 2013 5:16 AM To: Subject: [yocto] [PATCH] [eclipse-poky][master]D

Re: [yocto] [eclipse-poky][RFC 0/6] Introducing a YoctoSDKCMakeProjectNature

2013-04-24 Thread Zhang, Jessica
Hi Atanas, Please see my comments below... Thanks, Jessica From: Atanas Gegov [] Sent: Wednesday, April 24, 2013 8:48 AM To: Zhang, Jessica Cc: Subject: Re: [yocto] [eclipse-poky][RFC 0/6] Introducing a YoctoSDKCMakeProjectNature

Re: [yocto] [eclipse-poky][RFCv2 0/7] Introducing a YoctoSDKCMakeProjectNature

2013-04-25 Thread Zhang, Jessica
Hi Atanas, Looks good to me. Thanks, Jessica -Original Message- From: [] On Behalf Of Atanas Gegov Sent: Thursday, April 25, 2013 5:32 AM To: Subject: [yocto] [eclipse-poky][RFCv2 0/7] Introducing

Re: [yocto] [PATCH 0/4] Initial changes for developing a common remote plugin

2013-04-26 Thread Zhang, Jessica
Hi Ioana, I thought we're going to create a common remote util plugin first then modify the remotetools and bc.ui to use this new remote util plugin. From your patch series, the 1st path seems you're doing that but the following 3 you are making changes to remote tools files. I'd like us to f

Re: [yocto] [PATCH 0/4] Initial changes for developing a common remote plugin

2013-04-27 Thread Zhang, Jessica
oanaX Sent: Saturday, April 27, 2013 1:40 AM To: Zhang, Jessica; Subject: RE: [yocto] [PATCH 0/4] Initial changes for developing a common remote plugin Hi Jessica, Yes it makes sense. The reason why I started refactoring the code in the remote tools is to try and isolate the f

Re: [yocto] [PATCH 3/8] Unify preProcess for all commands models

2013-05-01 Thread Zhang, Jessica
Hi Ioana, Since we're changing to "private static final String", please be consistent, there're still usage of "final private String"... Thanks, Jessica -Original Message- From: [] On Behalf Of Ioana Grigoropol Sent: T

Re: [yocto] [PATCH 2/8] Refactor Model(s) to display customized messages

2013-05-01 Thread Zhang, Jessica
Hi Ioana, Why we're changing "public BaseModel(...)" to "BaseModel(...)"? Thanks, Jessica -Original Message- From: [] On Behalf Of Ioana Grigoropol Sent: Tuesday, April 30, 2013 7:36 AM To: Subjec

Re: [yocto] [PATCH 0/8] Refactoring of remotetools plugin

2013-05-01 Thread Zhang, Jessica
Hi Ioana, Overall looks good with few comment/question that I provide separately. Thanks, Jessica -Original Message- From: [] On Behalf Of Ioana Grigoropol Sent: Tuesday, April 30, 2013 7:36 AM To: yocto@yoctoproject.or

Re: [yocto] [PATCH 0/8] Refactoring of remotetools plugin

2013-05-07 Thread Zhang, Jessica
Merged to eclipse-poky master. Thanks, Jessica -Original Message- From: Grigoropol, IoanaX Sent: Tuesday, May 07, 2013 5:56 AM To: Zhang, Jessica; Subject: RE: [yocto] [PATCH 0/8] Refactoring of remotetools plugin Hi Jessica, I have rebased the patches and

Re: [yocto] [PATCH 3/3] Move filtering of suitable connections to RSEHelper

2013-05-08 Thread Zhang, Jessica
Hi Ioana, Isn't the logic in RSEHelper is reversed? It should be: if (sysType == null ||! sysType.isEnabled()) { iter.remove(); } Thanks, Jessica -Original Message- From: [] On Behalf Of Ioana Grigoropol Sent:

Re: [yocto] [PATCH 01/12] Separate remote logic from GUI login in TerminalHandler implementation

2013-05-09 Thread Zhang, Jessica
Please change the License to 2013. Also if execute only returns null, does it make sense to declare the API return object? Thanks, Jessica -Original Message- From: [] On Behalf Of Ioana Grigoropol Sent: Thursday, May 0

Re: [yocto] [PATCH 05/12] Initial commit for separate remote utilities plugin

2013-05-09 Thread Zhang, Jessica
We can't base on JavaSE 1.7, please move down to 1.6 -Original Message- From: [] On Behalf Of Ioana Grigoropol Sent: Thursday, May 09, 2013 12:53 AM To: Subject: [yocto] [PATCH 05/12] Initial commit

Re: [yocto] [PATCH 3/3] Move filtering of suitable connections to RSEHelper

2013-05-09 Thread Zhang, Jessica
ch set that contains everything, esp. multiple versions without clearly marked how they're grouped. Thanks, Jessica -Original Message- From: Grigoropol, IoanaX Sent: Thursday, May 09, 2013 1:19 AM To: Zhang, Jessica; Subject: RE: [yocto] [PATCH 3/3] Move filtering o

Re: [yocto] [PATCH v2] Separate remote logic from GUI login in TerminalHandler implementation

2013-05-09 Thread Zhang, Jessica
Please fix the license as 2013. Thanks, Jessica -Original Message- From: [] On Behalf Of Ioana Grigoropol Sent: Thursday, May 09, 2013 11:47 AM To: Subject: [yocto] [PATCH v2] Separate remote logic

Re: [yocto] [PATCH v3] Separate remote logic from GUI login in TerminalHandler implementation

2013-05-09 Thread Zhang, Jessica
Merged to eclipse-poky master. Thanks, Jessica -Original Message- From: [] On Behalf Of Ioana Grigoropol Sent: Thursday, May 09, 2013 1:01 PM To: Subject: [yocto] [PATCH v3] Separate remote logic f

Re: [yocto] [PATCH 2/2] Remove all plugin dependencies to RSE APi from remote tools plugin

2013-05-10 Thread Zhang, Jessica
Can you rebase, I'm running into: Applying: Remove all plugin dependencies to RSE APi from remote tools plugin error: patch failed: plugins/org.yocto.sdk.remotetools/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF:24 error: plugins/org.yocto.sdk.remotetools/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF: patch does not apply Patch failed at 0001 Re

Re: [yocto] [PATCH 1/6] Initial commit for separate remote utilities plugin

2013-05-10 Thread Zhang, Jessica
Hi Ioana, Seems you're still using Java 1.7, can you change to 1.6? Thanks, Jessica +org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.codegen.inlineJsrBytecode=enabled +org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.codegen.targetPlatform=1.7 +org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.compliance=1.7 +org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.problem.asse

Re: [yocto] [PATCH 0/6] Separate org.yocto.remote.utils plugin

2013-05-10 Thread Zhang, Jessica
Please fix your license to 2013. Thanks, Jessica -Original Message- From: [] On Behalf Of Ioana Grigoropol Sent: Thursday, May 09, 2013 2:19 PM To: Subject: [yocto] [PATCH 0/6] Separate org.yocto.r

Re: [yocto] [PATCH][eclipse-poky] systemtap: add possibility for user to point to his build folder

2013-05-23 Thread Zhang, Jessica
Hi Andrian, Sorry, I was traveling and missed this patch. And seems it's not applicable to the latest master. Can you rebase and resend? Thanks, Jessica -Original Message- From: Adrian Dudau [] Sent: Friday, May 03, 2013 1:53 AM To: Zhang, Jessi

Re: [yocto] [PATCH v2 0/6] Separate org.yocto.remote.utils plugin

2013-05-23 Thread Zhang, Jessica
Merged to eclipse-poky master. Thanks, Jessica -Original Message- From: [] On Behalf Of Ioana Grigoropol Sent: Monday, May 13, 2013 2:26 AM To: Subject: [yocto] [PATCH v2 0/6] Separate

Re: [yocto] [eclipse-poky][branch:windows-build][PATCH 0/4] Adapt remote bb plugin code & fix remaining issues

2013-05-23 Thread Zhang, Jessica
Hi Ioana, Since we're doing the overall refactor and this part for bitbake commander need to adopt the remote.util changes that's underway, and windows-build branch shouldn't be the one that we use. Please incorporate this change to bitbake commander change to use the remote.util tool. Thanks

Re: [yocto] [PATCH v2 0/6] Separate org.yocto.remote.utils plugin

2013-05-23 Thread Zhang, Jessica
esting before sending the patch. Thanks, Jessica -Original Message- From: Zhang, Jessica Sent: Thursday, May 23, 2013 11:44 AM To: Grigoropol, IoanaX; Subject: RE: [yocto] [PATCH v2 0/6] Separate org.yocto.remote.utils plugin Merged to eclipse-poky master. Thanks, J

Re: [yocto] [eclipse-poky][PATCH 00/13] Completed CMake integration in the Yocto IDE

2013-05-23 Thread Zhang, Jessica
Hi Atanas, Seems this patch series relies on the previous RFC patches: [yocto] [eclipse-poky][RFCv2 0/7] Introducing a YoctoSDKCMakeProjectNature. Since they were RFC, I didn't apply them and this patch series will report YoctoSDKCMakeProjectNature can't be resolved. Can you send the YoctoSD

Re: [yocto] [eclipse-poky][PATCH 0/7] Introducing a YoctoSDKCMakeProjectNature

2013-05-24 Thread Zhang, Jessica
Hi Atanas, All the cmake related patches have been merged to eclipse-poky master. Also, can you provide some detailed information regarding how to test the feature so QA can add adequate test cases in the existing eclipse plug-in testing. Thanks, Jessica -Original Message- From: yoct

Re: [yocto] [PATCH v3 0/2] Yocto SDK IDE cleanup

2013-05-24 Thread Zhang, Jessica
The remote tools related changes are merged to eclipse-poky master plus the following patch: For headless build. Thanks, Jessica -Original Message- From: yocto-boun...@yoctoprojec

Re: [yocto] ADT_REPO Issue

2013-05-26 Thread Zhang, Jessica
Hi Jerry, Please file a bug and in the meantime, please change the repo in config to 1.4. Thanks, Jessica From: [] On Behalf Of Precipice Development Sent: Sunday, May 26, 2013 10:21 AM To: Subject

Re: [yocto] [eclipse-poky][PATCH 0/7] Introducing a YoctoSDKCMakeProjectNature

2013-06-03 Thread Zhang, Jessica
Hi Atanas, Thanks, this is perfect to get our QA a standard test case for the function. They can add other corner case tests for stress test. Thanks, Jessica From: Atanas Gegov [] Sent: Tuesday, May 28, 2013 5:36 AM To: Zhang, Jessica Cc: yocto

Re: [yocto] [eclipse-poky][PATCH 0/7] Fixed bug in creating remote debug launcher

2013-06-03 Thread Zhang, Jessica
Merged to eclipse-poky master. Thanks, Jessica -Original Message- From: [] On Behalf Of Atanas Gegov Sent: Monday, June 03, 2013 1:30 AM To: Subject: [yocto] [eclipse-poky][PATCH 0/7] Fixed bug in

Re: [yocto] Application Development

2013-06-05 Thread Zhang, Jessica
Hi Satya, Use bitbake image-name -c populate_sdk, this allows you to create a toolchain with sysroot that match your target image that allows you to develop app against... Cheers, Jessica From: [] On Behalf Of Satya Sw

Re: [yocto] [Refactor RFC 2/9] Add remote tools classes needed for bitbake remote capabilities

2013-06-06 Thread Zhang, Jessica
Hi Ioana, Please separate this into 2 patches, one is for adding those new util files and also please add License for them. Then make the into a separate patch. Other comments are: 1.please add much more detailed information in your patch to explain why we need new util cla

Re: [yocto] [Refactor RFC 3/9] Remove ICommandResponseHandler from plugin and use org.yocto.remote.utils implementation

2013-06-06 Thread Zhang, Jessica
Please fix the license for the files. Thanks, Jessica -Original Message- From: [] On Behalf Of Ioana Grigoropol Sent: Tuesday, June 04, 2013 6:26 AM To: Subject: [yocto] [Refactor RFC 3/9] Remove I

Re: [yocto] [Refactor RFC 4/9] Remove unused Bitbake Actions

2013-06-06 Thread Zhang, Jessica
We can't remove them, since we should support build a specific recipe as from the command line. -Original Message- From: [] On Behalf Of Ioana Grigoropol Sent: Tuesday, June 04, 2013 6:26 AM To: Su

Re: [yocto] [Refactor RFC 5/9] Remove storing of init script location

2013-06-06 Thread Zhang, Jessica
Why we want to remove this project info file, since it's not used now but it stated it's used for future. -Original Message- From: [] On Behalf Of Ioana Grigoropol Sent: Tuesday, June 04, 2013 6:26 AM To: yocto@yoctoproj

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